On 04/22/2016 10:14 AM, Nathanaël Blanchet wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to find any vms with some defined properties like 
> (console-enabled or serial_number-policy for example) with ovirt-shell 
> -E "show vm name", but I can't find all information that I can get with 
> edit vm popupin the UI.
> I belevied these kind of properties were unvailable because the flag was 
> by default to false, but after updating the flag to true, it is still 
> not visible. Does it exist an extended way to get those feature with 
> ovirt-shell?
> Thank you.

The console information isn't reported by default because it requires an
additional query to the database, which is expensive, and not useful in
general. You can enable these expensive items using the "all_content"

  $ ovirt-shell "show vm name --all_content true"

The serial number properties are only present if there is one serial
number policy enabled.

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