On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 1:26 PM, Stefano Stagnaro <
stefa...@prismatelecomtesting.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> today oVirt 3.6.5 has been released and I tried to perform a fresh
> installation through the CentOS Virtualization SIG:
> # yum install centos-release-ovirt36
> which has installed, for dependencies, also
> - centos-release-gluster37
> - centos-release-virt-common
> - centos-release-qemu-ev
> - centos-release-storage-common
> I immediately noticed that oVirt is still at version 3.6.3 (instead of
> 3.6.5). This makes it difficult to move to CentOS Virtualization SIG.
> Besides that, glusterfs is still at version 3.7.8 (instead of 3.7.11). I
> understand this is a different SIG but oVirt is affected in some way.

Virt SIG RPMs are rebuilt from oVirt RPMs and need to pass a testing period
before going to release repository, so Virt SIG ususally come ~1 week after
oVirt GA.
For gluster it's the same, 3.7.11 are currently in testing
You can help getting them promoted to release by providing feedback on
centos-devel mailing list.

> Thank you,
> --
> Stefano Stagnaro
> Prisma Telecom Testing S.r.l.
> Via Petrocchi, 4
> 20127 Milano – Italy
> Tel. 02 26113507 int 339
> e-mail: stefa...@prismatelecomtesting.com
> skype: stefano.stagnaro

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