> Le 7 mai 2016 à 18:18, Juan Hernández <jhern...@redhat.com> a écrit :
> On 05/06/2016 05:20 PM, Fabrice Bacchella wrote:
>> I'm following the example given
>> in http://www.ovirt.org/develop/api/pythonapi/ for bonding interfaces.

>> What am I missing ?
> The example that you mention describes the old and deprecated
> /hosts/{host:id}/nics/setupnetworks action, but you are sending the
> request to /hosts/{host:id}/setupnetworks, which just ignores the
> "host_nics" elements that you are sending. There is an example of how to
> use the newer action here:
> https://jhernand.fedorapeople.org/ovirt-api-explorer/#/services/host/methods/setup-networks

Ok.I got it.

The samples says:  host.nics.setupnetworks(...)
And my code says:  host.setupnetworks(...)

But why does it silently ignore it ? Shouldn't it throw me an error ?

I think I will soon have more questions about what is a modified or removed 
object when creating bond, but I will need to play a little more with it.

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