On 05/13/2016 04:21 PM, Fabrice Bacchella wrote:
> I'm trying to generated a lun disk, using the python SDK.
> My code can be found
> at https://github.com/fbacchella/ovirtcmd/blob/master/ovlib/disks/__init__.py
> If a try to see the content of a existing disk and test with :
> print disk.get_type()
> print disk.get_storage_type()
> I'm getting :
> None
> lun
> Now I try to create another LUN disk with
> kwargs['storage_type'] = 'lun'
> kwargs['type_'] = 'system'
> I'm getting:
>> POST /api/disks HTTP/1.1
>> <disk>
>>     <type>system</type>
>>     <interface>virtio-scsi</interface>
>>     <lun_storage>
>>         <logical_unit id="3600c0ff00026285aed8f355701000000"/>
>>     </lun_storage>
>>     <storage_type>lun</storage_type>
>> </disk>
> ...
> < <fault>
> <     <reason>Incomplete parameters</reason>
> <     <detail>Storage [type] required for invoke0</detail>
> < </fault>
> changing to 
>     kwargs['type_'] = None 
> change nothing, I'm still getting the same error message.
>> POST /api/disks HTTP/1.1
>> <disk>
>>     <interface>virtio-scsi</interface>
>>     <lun_storage>
>>         <logical_unit id="3600c0ff00026285aed8f355701000000"/>
>>     </lun_storage>
>>     <storage_type>lun</storage_type>
>> </disk>
> ...
> < <fault>
> <     <reason>Incomplete parameters</reason>
> <     <detail>Storage [type] required for invoke0</detail>
> < </fault>
>  What did I do wrong ? There is nothing about that in the logs

When creating a LUN disk you need to specify the type (fcp or iscsi)
inside the "lun_storage" element, so you need to send an XML document
like this:

      <logical_unit id="3600c0ff00026285aed8f355701000000"/>

To do that with the Python SDK you need the following code:


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