On 06/14/2016 04:31 AM, qinglong.d...@horebdata.cn wrote:
Hi, all
        I want to modify three arguments ram, vram and vgamem in the
qemu command where virtual machines are created. I found that
the arguments had default values in libvirt and I wonder how to modify
them. Could they be modified in a certain xml file or in
a before_vm_start VDSM 

Yes, hook is the way to go.

I dont't know where the xml file is or
The xml is created every time you start a vm and deleted every time you shutdown a vm. A hook can change the resulting xml before start the vm.

> how to write the hook.

Here some examples: https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/tree/master/vdsm_hooks

        Anyone can help? Thanks!


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