On Pá, 2016-06-17 at 10:33 +0200, Alexis HAUSER wrote:
> >we were looking for a  prepackaged solution because of the lack of
> >human resources to devote to the project.
> >But if pursuing this research becomes too exhausting we would probably
> >develop a linux solution and in that case the kind of terminal you
> >suggested is interesting indeed.
> Hi, I'm currently trying to find a solution based on linux too.
> If you're interested in details about my research and tests, I can make you a 
> summary : 
> On most linux thin client distributions, spicec and spicy are intergrated. 
> Sadly, they are not real spice clients. 
> As you can find on the spice documentation "spicec is an obsolete legacy 
> client, and spicy is only a test application".
> The only real Spice client yet is remote-viewer (part of virt-viewer 
> package), by default it works with VNC, but if you want it also to support 
> spice, you need spice-client-gtk (the name of this package can maybe vary 
> betweem distributions).
> Before developing a solution, you should maybe check Thinstation, which is a 
> prepackaged solution that make you able to create your own ISO files for 
> client. I made once some 65 MB client images. Yet it support very well RDP, 
> ICA and VNC.
> The only bad point with his solution is the fact remote-viewer and 
> spice-client gtk aren't integrated yet. 

According to [1], they are.


[1] https://github.com/Thinstation/thinstation/issues/106#issuecomment-228758466

> But it should be integrated soon (I'll work on that when I'll have time) but 
> you can still compile it. However, it takes time to understand how to deal 
> with Thinstation, but the result is really impressive.
> There are also some other solutions like Netpoldo, but it's using old 
> debian/ubuntu versions and doesn't seem to be still really alive... (and old 
> remote-viewer versions don't really work properly, or when it does there is 
> no sound, cf debian jessie)
> I hope this helps. I'll try to post here when I will have a working setup 
> from client side. I guess this is still in the topic as Giorgio was asking 
> for sharing experience :)
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