
Let me try this and post the results here.

On 10 Aug 2016 15:28, "Richard W.M. Jones" <rjo...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 09:45:52AM +0300, Shahar Havivi wrote:
> > On 10.08.16 06:45, Anantha Raghava wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I even attempted to run command virsh -c xen+ssh://root@xenhost and I
> get
> > > error "/*error: End of file reading data: sh: nc: command not found:
> > > Input/output error"*/
> > First you need to be able to login via virsh (before trying to import via
> > oVirt).
> >
> > I never encounter this error before,
> > I guess that nc is netcat...,
> > try to install nmap-ncat:
> > $ dnf info nmap-ncat
> >
> > Adding Richard which may have more input.
> Yes, you need to install 'nc' on the *target* (Xen) machine.
> This is because libvirt's ssh transport uses nc:
> https://libvirt.org/guide/html/Application_Development_
> Guide-Architecture-Transports.html
> Rich.
> --
> Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~
> rjones
> Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
> virt-builder quickly builds VMs from scratch
> http://libguestfs.org/virt-builder.1.html
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