On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 8:10 PM, Siavash Safi <siavash.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 8:07 PM Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 5:55 PM, Siavash Safi <siavash.s...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > An unknown bug broke our gluster storage (dom_md/ids is corrupted) and
>> > oVirt
>> > no longer activates the storage(I tried to recover it using the similar
>> > issues reported in mailing list but it didn't work).
>> Can you explain what you did?
> cd /mnt/4697fbde-45fb-4f91-ac4c-5516bc59f683/dom_md/
> rm ids
> touch ids
> sanlock direct init -s 4697fbde-45fb-4f91-ac4c-5516bc59f683:0:ids:1048576

The offset parameter should be 0, not 1048576:

    sanlock direct init -s 4697fbde-45fb-4f91-ac4c-5516bc59f683:0:ids:0


Please retry this.

Also, are you using replica 3? These issues  typically happened when people
used replica 2 gluster volumes.

>> The best way to fix this is to initialize the corrupt id file and
>> activate the domain.
> This would be great!
>> > As I checked VM disk images are still accessible when I mount the
>> > gluster
>> > storage manually.
>> > How can we manually move the VM disk images to local storage? (oVirt
>> > complains about gluster storage being inactive when using the web
>> > interface
>> > for move/copy)
>> You can easily copy the images to another file based storage (nfs,
>> gluster) like this:
>> 1. activate other storage domain using engine
>> 2. mount gluster domain manually
>> 3. copy the image from gluster domain to the other domain:
>> cp -r gluster-domain-mountpoint/images/image-uuid
>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/server:_path/other-domain-uuid/images/
>> But the images will not be available since engine does know them.
>> Maybe this can be
>> fixed by modifying engine database.
> How complicated is it?

I never tried this, lets try the simple way first.

>> Another solution (if you are using ovirt 4.0), is to upload the images
>> to a new disk,
>> and attach the disk to the vm instead of the missing disk.
> We are running 3.6

Maybe consider an upgrade?

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