I'm happy to announce version 1.6 of check_rhev3.

check_rhev3 is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks, which is used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and storage domains of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and oVirt virtualization environments.

Download this plugin from: https://github.com/ovido/check_rhev3/releases/check_rhev3-1.6

For further information on how to install this plugin visit:

A detailed usage documentation can be found here:


- New features:
-   Add support for oVirt 4 and RHEV 4 (#42)
-   Add option to ignore xml warnings (#49)
- Components in state maintenance result in warning state now instead of critical

Bugs fixed:
-   Critical/Warning thresholds for -l vms/hosts are ignored (#44)

Please note that API path changed in RHEV 4 and oVirt 4.
It's /ovirt-engine/api instead of /api. This plugin will still use the old path for compatibility reasons with older installations. If you use RHEV 4 or oVirt 4 please use option -A:
./check_rhev3 -A "/ovirt-engine/api" ...

If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email:

Thank you for using check_rhev3.


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