Thanks! The answer file I'm using is from 4.0... So, it's kinda strange he
quits on the Localhost database for DWH.
I'll check the otopi option.

Kind regards,

On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 at 09:47 Yedidyah Bar David <> wrote:

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 8:36 AM, Koen Vanoppen <>
> Dear all,
> I'm currently trying to create a puppet module for setting up ovirt from
> scratch.
> For the moment I'm stuck with the answer file that hangs on this (and then
> of course stops the installation):
> Notice: /Stage[main]/Bacovirt::Config::Mgmt/Exec[engine-setup]/returns:
> Notice: /Stage[main]/Bacovirt::Config::Mgmt/Exec[engine-setup]/returns:
> Notice: /Stage[main]/Bacovirt::Config::Mgmt/Exec[engine-setup]/returns:
> Where is the DWH database located? (Local, Remote) [Local]: [ ERROR ]
> to execute stage 'Environment customization': End of file
> My answer file is included as a attachment.

Didn't check it, but most likely it was generated by/for a <=3.6
In 4.0, the engine now requires dwh, so requires its setup package, which
adds this question.

Simply run engine-setup manually and compare the generated answer file
with yours.

You might also want to try the rather-new otopi option to automatically
accept defaults - this way, you can provide an answer file with only the
things you supply non-default (or required) answers. See also:

'--accept-defaults' was only merged to 4.1 engine-setup, but the otopi
option (see comment 8) is in otopi-1.5, which is included in 4.0.

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