
aleksey.maksi...@it-kb.ru writes:

> # LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-v2v -v -x -i ova
> /tmp/rhel_Vsp-4.4.0.GA-53.ova -of raw -o null
> ....
> fsync /dev/sda
> guestfsd: main_loop: proc 282 (internal_autosync) took 0.01 seconds
> libguestfs: trace: internal_autosync = 0
> libguestfs: sending SIGTERM to process 3338
> libguestfs: trace: shutdown = 0
> libguestfs: trace: close
> libguestfs: closing guestfs handle 0x2880a10 (state 0)
> libguestfs: command: run: rm
> libguestfs: command: run: \ -rf /tmp/libguestfsrxuByo
> [  99.0] Checking if the guest needs BIOS or UEFI to boot
> [  99.0] Copying disk 1/1 to /var/tmp/null.lP6vGa/sda (raw)
> target_file = /var/tmp/null.lP6vGa/sda
> target_format = raw
> target_estimated_size = 13480052354
> target_overlay = /var/tmp/v2vovle81937.qcow2
> target_overlay.ov_source = /var/tmp/ova.zJ6ks8/rhel_Vsp-4.4.0.GA-53-disk1.vmdk
> qemu-img convert -p -n -f qcow2 -O 'raw' '/var/tmp/v2vovle81937.qcow2'
> '/var/tmp/null.lP6vGa/sda'
>     (100.00/100%)
> virtual copying rate: 95364.1 M bits/sec
> real copying rate: 811.7 M bits/sec
> sda: estimate 13480052354 (12.6G) versus actual 2339610624 (2.2G): 476.2%
> [ 126.0] Creating output metadata
> [ 126.0] Finishing off
> The output is very voluminous. Errors are seen.

So it estimates that it will require 13GB.  Do you have 13GB free on

You say "Errors are seen."  What errors do you see?  It *looks* like
this finished successfully.

       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       de...@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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