Il 16 dic 2016 17:18, "Derek Atkins" <> ha scritto:


On Fri, December 16, 2016 11:12 am, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 8:54 AM, Koen Vanoppen <>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> this bugzilla resuted as "not a bug" because the gui was not targeted as
> ISO files upload but only disks.
> I don't find anything in oVirt 4.1 beta too... what would be the best
> method to upload ISO images in 4.1 then?

Yesterday I just used scp to copy the ISO into the ISO domain storage
location, and the engine picked it up in its next hourly evaluation.
Granted, this is with 4.0.5.

> Thanks,
> Gianluca

Yes thanks, I know it.
In 4.1 (but it seems to me also in 4.x) it was a matter of seconds after
scp, but I hoped there would be something smarter and directly usable by
the web admin GUI...
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