On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 2:44 PM, qinglong.d...@horebdata.cn <
qinglong.d...@horebdata.cn> wrote:

> Hi,all
>         I want to install redhat5.8 in graphical mode. I can install it
> in ovirt3.5(picture1), but I cann't install it in ovirt4.0(picture2). I
> cann't see the three selections in ovirt4.0. I use rhel-server-5.8-x86_64-
> dvd.iso.

I don't have at hand a rhel 5.8 iso but I reproduced the same problem with
rhel 5.11 iso too (and oVirt 4.0.5 with CentOS 7.2 at hypervisor side)
I verified that in edit VM, console, the only "Video Type" option that
works is "Cirrus", while with QXL and VGA I get the same problem described
by you.
I think you can install in graphic mode with Cirrus video type and then
setup the operating system for QXL in a second time, also taking in account
what detailed in this bugzilla:
(or keep Cirrus+VNC graphical access also after install)

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