
We've several templates that have their disks replicated (copied) on all our Storage Domains. Problem is that we create our VmPools using PythonSDK, and it usually creates the pool on one of our Storage Domains that has a small amount of free disk space.

Some of the Data Stores have plenty of space and when creating the VmPool, we'd like to be able to specify on which of these Storage Domains to create the VmPool. So far I see no parameter on the params.VmPool class to do that. I've tried using an Action, but the request is not correct:

action = params.Action(storage_domain=api.storagedomains.get(name='...'))

pool = params.VmPool(name='testlarge', cluster=api.clusters.get(name='...'), template=api.templates.get(name='Blank'), max_user_vms=1, size=1, type_='manual', actions=action) pool = params.VmPool(name='testlarge', cluster=api.clusters.get(name='...'), template=api.templates.get(name='Blank'), max_user_vms=1, size=1, type_='manual', actions=[action])


Both tries fail.

This is Python-SDK 3.x.

Is there a way to specify the destination Storage Domain onto where to create the VmPool?

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