
we use some Cicso UCS blades in our ovirt infrastructure and since we upgraded 
from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5, when I want to edit a host, I need to change the power 
management cisco ucs agent, because it has an unsupported option in field 
My problem is, that it looks like, that the filed "Options" only allows integer 
number anymore as values!
BUT for the ucs fence agent, I need to specify the "suborg=" option and this is 
not a number. It is the name of the sub-organization like oVirt for example!

So since this version of ovirt, our complete power management stopped working 
and therfore, we don't have important features like HA anymore.

With ovirt 4.0.4 or earlier, my options looked like this:
Slot            ovirt-2
Options         suborg=org-oVirt,ssl_insecure=1

"Slot" is the name of the service profile and "Options" have the suborg 
specified and insecure ssl!
ssl_insecure=1 is working in version 4.0.5 and later.
We have already some hosts running 4.0.6, but not the engine yet!
fence-agents-cisco-ucs versions we use:
        - 4.0.11-27.el7_2.9.x86_64
        - 4.0.11-47.el7_3.2.x86_64

Can someone please help me?

Thank you very much!
Best regards
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