On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 9:36 PM, Fernando Frediani
<fernando.fredi...@upx.com.br> wrote:
> I am deploying a oVirt environment which will not get production data
> immediately.
> Obviously I would rather use 4.1 RC due the many changes and fixes present.
> Later when 4.1 becomes stable then upgrade to it.
> Does anyone see any problem in doing that way or would it be more advisable
> to start with 4.0.6 and upgrade to 4.1 stable when time comes ?

If eventually it will be production, I'd start with 4.0.6.

Generally speaking, if we find in the future a bug when upgrading from
4.0.6 to 4.1.z, we'll try to solve it, so that it does not affect an
upgrade from 4.0.6 to 4.1.z+1. But if we find a bug that affects only
upgrade from a rc/beta/etc. version to a stable version, we might decide
it's not worth fixing.

Also note that 4.1.0 should be out really soon:


So you might as well simply wait a bit.

> My concern are the issue people related they had when upgrading from one
> major version to another in the past.

In general, or to/from beta/rc/etc versions?

In general we appreciate very much people testing upgrades from/to beta/rc
versions, and if they find bugs, we do try to fix them. But people should
do this in test environments, not ones that are eventually destined to become

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