Den 23 feb. 2017 4:09 em skrev Nir Soffer <>:
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Karli Sjöberg <> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2017-02-23 at 13:46 +0000, Misak Khachatryan wrote:
> >> Hi there. Anybody knows how to suppress guest agent not installed
> >> warning for VM? I have one VM based on FreeBSD, where i can't install
> >> it and the warning is just annoying.
> I learned today that HA does not work properly if guest agent is not 
> installed,
> so you should be careful about the warning.
> Nir

Uhm, what makes you say that exactly? I've been running oVirt since god knows 
how long now, faced countless of times where HA worked perfectly fine. If this 
is a new "feature", you have my sincerest thumbs down on that one:)

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