May I suggest you look at Lago[1] and ovirt-system-tests[2] to set up
everything you need?
I use it on a daily basis on F25.



On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 10:43 AM john <> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I'm having a nightmarish time trying to test oVirt and RHEV on my main
> machine which i just upgraded to Fedora 25 (before realising oVirt is
> still on F24). Nevertheless, it seems to me I shouldn't have a problem
> if i just use F24/RHEV/oVirt nodes running under my F25 machine.
> The F25 physical host is a pretty powerful machine, 8 (HT) cores, SSD
> storage, 16 GB ram (bit light on RAM but this should be just sufficient
> to run the engine & host, and say one test host)
> Main problem is that i just cannot seem to add a new host to this
> cluster.
> I am using the F25 physical host to export NFS4 storage (on SSD),
> for the oVirt cluster.
> So currently, I have, all on one physical machine:
> 1) ovirt-engine-host vm - this is the F24 host which i ran hosted-engine
> --deploy in. So, if the physical host is layer 0 (L0), this is L1.
> VM has been given 3 CPUs, 6GB of RAM
> 2) ovirt-engine vm- this is the vm inside ovirt-engine-host, and this vm
> is the main ovirt admin engine/appliance. The image for this appliance
> was obtained from: ovirt-engine-appliance-4.1-20170201.1.fc24.noarch.rpm
> So this vm is at L2.
> According to the ovirt Manager web admin page, this is running:
> oVirt Engine Version:
> When i ran the hosted-engine --deploy, I specified 2 CPUs, 4GB of RAM,
> however, when i look at this host in the management webpqage, it
> reports 3 CPU, and 6GB of RAM, so the hosted engine deploy script seems
> to have ignored my wishes and given this vm the full resources of its
> host vm, which is a little annoying but shouldnt be causing a problem at
> this stage.
> Basically, this seems to be working. I can login to the oVirt Manager
> webpage and see my whole datacenter, storage, cluster, etc.
> I've been able to add a data domain, and an iso storage domain, and
> when i did this, the new data storage domain became the Master, and the
> hosted_storage domain (holding my ovirt-engine host) appeared out of
> nowhere in the UI. So i now have 3 storage domains - the hosted_engine,
> the master, and iso storage.
> So anyway, this is where the problems start. No matter what I try, I
> can't seem to add a host to this cluster, which seems to be working
> fine otherwise.
> On all my F24 hosts Ive installed python2-dnf which is required by
> oVirt on F24, installed nfs-utils so it can mount nfs shares, enabled
> ovirt repository, setup static IP address, tweaked /etc/hosts so all my
> hosts can see each other without relying on the physical KVM host's DNS.
> I have tried:
> 1) create a new F24 VM under my physical host, so, at L1. I called this
> ovirt-host-01. I have enabled CPU host-passthrough in KVM so this VM
> can also run nested VMs, which is of course, the main objective. I've
> given this VM 3 CPUs, and 6GB of RAM. Go to Management webpage and try
> to add this as a new host.
> It ALMOST succeeds, but at the end it fails to mount my hosted_storage
> domain. It correctly mounts the main master data domain, and the iso
> domain, but fails to mount the hosted_storage domain. I can mount this
> domain manually, and I just can't work out why this fails, it's
> incredibly frustrating.
> 2) create a new host using the latest oVirt node iso:
> ovirt-node-ng-installer-ovirt-4.0-2017011712.iso
> node has 25 GB disk,3 CPUs, 6GB of RAM. Cockpit admin webpage reports
> it is an "oVirt Node"
> The node seems to be running fine, but i can't seem to add it to my
> main cluster. The VDSM service is failing because it's not a member of
> any domain. The main "System" tab in CockPit lists all the details,
> but for Domain, it says: "Join Domain". Nowhere in this CockPit admin
> webpage does there appear to be any way to actually specify the domain
> to join.
> So, I go to my main engine Admin page, and try to add this node as a
> new host. It attempts to do so, but fails, after trying to trying to
> install the package collectd, which is in epel. So i enable epel, even
> though I'm sure something must be drastically wrong here, because this
> oVirt node should have everything it needs already installed on it.
> Trying to reinstall again, it fails with the exact same error in the
> deployment log, saying collectd cannot be found even though it is
> available from epel & epel repo is enabled.
> Summary:
> This is incredibly frustrating. Why is it so hard to add a host to an
> oVirt cluster. This should be child's play. What is going on?
> I have seen another email to this list saying you have to run hosted
> engine deploy on bare metal (L0), so the engine vm is at L1,  or the HA
> features of vdsm are pointless, but I'm not clear why that is, I was
> hoping i should be able to get some sort of power management setup
> eventually, KVM & virsh should be able to provide full power management
> of the hosts even if i had to kludge together a few scripts myself.
> Plus that still shouldn't prevent me from setting up this test cluster
> surely. I know i haven't configured power management properly on the
> hosts i'm adding, but, so what, they should at least work for testing
> purposes.
> If we set aside the power management issues for now, I can't see why
> there should be issues setting up this whole cluster under KVM on a
> single physical host. The nested virtualisation is working perfectly.
> Apologies for the long email, but i thought it best to get most of the
> details out there, so ppl won't have to go back & forth asking questions
> just to see what i am trying to do. Any questions re details i've left
> out though, pls feel free to ask.
> If anyone can offer any halp or advice it'd be greatly appreciated,
> ta and cheers!
> J
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