I just tested power cut on the test system:

Cluster with 3-Hosts each host has 4TB localdisk with zfs on it
/zhost/01/glu folder as a brick.

Glusterfs was with replicated to 3 disks with arbiter. So far so good. Vm
was up an running with 5oGB OS disk: dd was showing 100-70MB/s performance
with the Vm disk.
I just simulated disaster powercut: with ipmi power-cycle all 3 hosts same
the result is all hosts are green up and running but bricks are down.
in the processes I can see:
ps aux | grep gluster
root     16156  0.8  0.0 475360 16964 ?        Ssl  08:47   0:00
/usr/sbin/glusterd -p /var/run/glusterd.pid --log-level INFO

What happened with my volume setup??
Is it possible to recover it??
[root@clei21 ~]# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 2

Hostname: clei22.cls
Uuid: 96b52c7e-3526-44fd-af80-14a3073ebac2
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Other names:

Hostname: clei26.cls
Uuid: c9fab907-5053-41a8-a1fa-d069f34e42dc
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Other names:
[root@clei21 ~]# gluster volume info
No volumes present
[root@clei21 ~]#
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