Hi kasturi

  >>  Hosted Engine tab is visible only after hosted_storage and hosted_engine 
vm is imported to the >>cluster. Once the first node is installed, you will 
need to create a storage domain of vmstore or >>data volume .

Data storage domain is already created and activated. I've also created one 
test VM, up & running.

>>Once one of these storage domains are created, hosted_storage and 
>>Hosted_engine vm is >>imported automatically. After this you will be able to 
>>see Hosted Engine tab in the New hosts >>dialog box.

This is the strange behavior, as wrote in my previous, hosted_storage is still 
locked and hosted engine VM is visible only as number of VM, but is not visible 
selecting the host where it is running.



On 03/15/2017 11:09 PM, NUNIN Roberto wrote:

Our test environment:

oVirt Engine :

Gluster replica 3 with bricks on all nodes.

6 nodes :

OS Version: RHEL - 7 - 3.1611.el7.centos
Kernel Version: 3.10.0 - 514.10.2.el7.x86_64
KVM Version: 2.6.0 - 28.el7_3.3.1
LIBVIRT Version: libvirt-2.0.0-10.el7_3.5
VDSM Version: vdsm-4.19.4-1.el7.centos
GlusterFS Version: glusterfs-3.8.9-1.el7

I have successfully added all the nodes to the default cluster.
Now I need to activate all the remainder 5 hosts for the hosted engine, but I 
haven’t the tab “Hosted Engine” in the Host properties, so I can’t deploy HE 
via web UI.

Using command line, I have an error :

2017-03-15 16:58:48 ERROR otopi.plugins.gr_he_setup.storage.storage 
storage._abortAdditionalHosts:189 Setup of additional hosts using this software 
is not allowed anymore. Please use the engine web interface to deploy any 
additional hosts.
RuntimeError:Setup of additional hosts using this software is not allowed 
anymore. Please use the engine web interface to deploy any additional hosts.
2017-03-15 16:58:48 ERROR otopi.context context._executeMethod:151 Failed to 
execute stage 'Environment customization': Setup of additional hosts using this 
software is not allowed anymore. Please use the engine web interface to deploy 
any additional hosts.
2017-03-15 16:58:48 DEBUG otopi.context context.dumpEnvironment:770 ENV 
BASE/exceptionInfo=list:'[(<type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>, 
RuntimeError('Setup of additional hosts using this software is not allowed 
anymore. Please use the engine web interface to deploy any additional 
hosts.',), <traceback object at 0x3d20c68>)]'
2017-03-15 16:58:48 DEBUG otopi.context context.dumpEnvironment:770 ENV 
BASE/exceptionInfo=list:'[(<type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>, 
RuntimeError('Setup of additional hosts using this software is not allowed 
anymore. Please use the engine web interface to deploy any additional 
hosts.',), <traceback object at 0x3d20c68>)]'

The hosted_storage is still locked.

How to enable the “Hosted Engine” Host property in the web UI or to force 
deploy via CLI ?

If logs are needed, please let me know which one. Attached agent-ha.log (from 
first node) and ovirt-hosted-engine-setup.log (from host where attempt to 
deploy hosted-engine via CLI).

Apart this, seems that the test environment is working as expected (Gluster ok, 
installed VM ok).




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