This is either some very obscure syntax, or it may not be working.

Difficult to tell, since the error message seems to be generic:


  ==================================== ERROR
"https://engine-tst/ovirt-engine/api"; is invalid url format, valid
format is http[s]://server:port/path, where path is usually
"ovirt-engine/api" or, for older versions of the engine, just "api".

That error is reported no matter where it is run from, and no matter what

combination of manual or automated interaction is used.

It should not be this hard.

42 different combinations were tried.

In one instance when using localhost as the hostname, it actually asked for

the certificate first, and then gave me the same error as above.

Lets just say that the command line was very familiar to me when Larry Wall

wrote the Configure script (that was before the GNU configure scripts).

A strait up actual example that works would be nice, or an explanation of

prerequisites, if there are any.  None are stated.

There is lots of mention of port numbers, but no actual port numbers

Does not the ovirt-shell talk to the web server at port 443 if https is

The lsof command does not show any listeners that seem likely as a cli

-> sudo lsof  -i | grep -i listen
systemd       1            root   42u  IPv6   9030      0t0  TCP
*:sunrpc (LISTEN)
systemd       1            root   43u  IPv4   9031      0t0  TCP
*:sunrpc (LISTEN)
ovirt-ima   582            root    5u  IPv4   9196      0t0  TCP *:54323
ovirt-web   954           ovirt    4u  IPv4  14915      0t0  TCP
*:synchronet-db (LISTEN)
httpd       959            root    4u  IPv6  18622      0t0  TCP *:http
httpd       959            root    6u  IPv6  18630      0t0  TCP *:https
sshd        962 ovirt-vmconsole    3u  IPv4  17902      0t0  TCP
*:EtherNet/IP-1 (LISTEN)
sshd        962 ovirt-vmconsole    4u  IPv6  17904      0t0  TCP
*:EtherNet/IP-1 (LISTEN)
sshd       1048            root    3u  IPv4  19474      0t0  TCP *:ssh
sshd       1048            root    4u  IPv6  19477      0t0  TCP *:ssh
postgres   1237        postgres    3u  IPv4  19552      0t0  TCP
*:postgres (LISTEN)
postgres   1237        postgres    4u  IPv6  19553      0t0  TCP
*:postgres (LISTEN)
java       3042           ovirt  371u  IPv6  20711      0t0  TCP
localhost:8702 (LISTEN)
java       3042           ovirt  389u  IPv6  24722      0t0  TCP
localhost:8706 (LISTEN)

And yes, the unfamiliar ones were tried. :)

The last straw was when a packet sniffer failed to capture ANY traffic
related to these

attempts.  Apparently the ovirt-shell command fails before even
attempting a connection.

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