
I'm running oVirt I'm building oVirt+GlusterFS(replica 3 Volume)
configuration for testing.

Each machine spec is as follows.
 CPU: 2core
 Memory: 8GB
 Disk: 120GB
 OS: CentOS7.3

Each host name is host1, host2, host3.

I installed Hosted Engine successfully in host1, but I couldn't install it
in host2 and host3.

In version 4.0, as described below, since it is asked whether or not it is
an additional host at the time of deployment,
hosted_engine could be added to the second and later node without any error.

*** oVirt 4.0 ***

[root@host2 ~]# hosted-engine --deploy --config-append=answers.conf
          The specified storage location already contains a data domain. Is
this an additional host setup (Yes, No)[Yes]?
[ INFO  ] Installing on additional host
          Please specify the Host ID [Must be integer, default: 2]:
          iptables was detected on your computer, do you wish setup to
configure it? (Yes, No)[Yes]: No

          Enter engine admin password:
          Confirm engine admin password:

          Enter the name which will be used to identify this host inside
the Administrator Portal [hosted_engine_2]:

          Enter engine admin password:
          Confirm engine admin password:
          Enter the name which will be used to identify this host inside
the Administrator Portal [hosted_engine_2]:
[ INFO  ] Stage: Setup validation
          Please provide the fully qualified domain name of this host.
           Note: The engine VM and all the other hosts should be able to
correctly resolve it.
          Host FQDN:  [host2.jitaku.test]:
[WARNING] Failed to resolve host2.jitaku.test using DNS, it can be resolved
only locally

          --== CONFIGURATION PREVIEW ==--

          Engine FQDN                        : ovirt-engine.jitaku.test
          Bridge name                        : ovirtmgmt
          Host address                       : host2.jitaku.test
          SSH daemon port                    : 22
          Gateway address                    :
          Host name for web application      : hosted_engine_2
          Storage Domain type                : glusterfs
          Host ID                            : 2
          Image size GB                      : 10
          Storage connection                 : host1.jitaku.test:/engine
          Console type                       : vnc
          Memory size MB                     : 6144
          MAC address                        : 00:16:3e:XX:XX:XX
          Boot type                          : disk
          Number of CPUs                     : 2
          CPU Type                           : model_Nehalem

But oVirt 4.1 asks for nothing and return error that host1 already has data.

*** oVirt 4.1 ***

[root@host2 ~]# hosted-engine --deploy  --config-append=answers.conf
[ INFO  ] Stage: Initializing
[ INFO  ] Generating a temporary VNC password.
[ INFO  ] Stage: Environment setup
          During customization use CTRL-D to abort.
[ INFO  ] Hardware supports virtualization
          Configuration files: ['/root/answers.conf']
          Log file: /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-s
          Version: otopi-1.6.1 (otopi-1.6.1-1.el7)
[ INFO  ] Detecting available oVirt engine appliances
[ INFO  ] Stage: Environment packages setup
[ INFO  ] Stage: Programs detection
[ INFO  ] Stage: Environment setup
[ INFO  ] Stage: Environment customization

          --== STORAGE CONFIGURATION ==--

[ INFO  ] Please note that Replica 3 support is required for the shared
[ INFO  ] GlusterFS replica 3 Volume detected
[ ERROR ] The selected device already contains a storage domain.
[ ERROR ] Setup of additional hosts using this software is not allowed
anymore. Please use the engine web interface to deploy any additional hosts.
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment customization': Setup of
additional hosts using this software is not allowed anymore. Please use the
engine web interface to deploy any additional hosts.
[ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
[ INFO  ] Generating answer file '/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-
[ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
[ ERROR ] Hosted Engine deployment failed
          Log file is located at /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-s

I tried it from Virtualization> Hosted Engine> Standard of Cockpit UI, but
I received the similar error.
How can I deploy hosted-engine on multiple hosts? I'm sorry if I made
something misunderstood.

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