Ok, got it. The good syntax is host.name=ng319 and type=885 or type=839 or 
type=886 or type=887. 

Using the search bar (thanks Ondra), it easier to test.

> Le 3 mai 2017 à 13:06, Fabrice Bacchella <fabrice.bacche...@orange.fr> a 
> écrit :
> I'm looking for some specific events with the following code:
>    last_event = int(events_service.list(max=1)[0].id)
>    print "last_event %d" % last_event
>    ....
>    start an check upgrade
>    ....
>    print "search %s" % search
>    while True:
>        founds = events_service.list(
>            from_= last_event + 1,
>            search=search,
>        )
>        if len(founds) > 0:
>            break
>        time.sleep(wait)
> If search is host.name=..., it works.
> With search host.id=..., it can't find any events.
> I was unable to find a filter for the events :
> host.name=XXX and (type=885 or type=839 or type=886 or type=887)
> host.name=XXX and (code=885 or code=839 or code=886 or code=887)
> host.name=XXX and type=885 or type=839 or type=886 or type=887
> host.name=XXX and code=885 or code=839 or code=886 or code=887
> What should be the right search string ?
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