
The ids file for sanlock is broken on one setup. The first host id in
the file is wrong.

From the logfile i have:

verify_leader 1 wrong space name 0924ff77-ef51-435b-b90d-50bfbf2e�ke7
0924ff77-ef51-435b-b90d-50bfbf2e8de7 /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/

Note the broken char in the space name. 

This also apears. And it seams as the hostid too is broken in the ids

leader4 sn 0924ff77-ef51-435b-b90d-50bfbf2e�ke7 rn ��7afa5-3a91-415b-
a04c-221d3e060163.vbgkvm01.a ts 4351980 cs eefa4dd7

Note the broken chars there as well. 

If i check the ids file with less or strings the first row where my
vbgkvm01 host are. That has broken chars.

Can this be repaired in some way without taking down all the virtual
machines on that storage?

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