me too

CentOS 7.4 Kernel 3.10.0-693-2.2.el7.x86_64
web-client : Chrome(61.0.3163.100) , Firefox(52.3.0)

[want to do]
Make a clone from the snapshot image

[Reproduction procedure]
1. In browser, Open oVirt Manager, admin logon.
2. Click virtual machine tag, any one VM select
   vm state does not matter.(running, stop)
3.make snapshot. or select a snapshot image created in the past.
4.create clone  ---> ERROR, Exception occurred !
 Result details are similar to Mr.Brett.

It dows not occur in oVirt4.0
Yesterday, I upgraded oVirt form 4.0 to 4.1 .

久保田 <>

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