On 11/04/2017 09:36 PM, Wesley Stewart wrote:
> I am quite new to oVirt and only use it at home for the moment.  So I
> wont be of much help.

That's OK. I'm quite new myself and learning a lot!

> But I was able to add a new export domain, and then copy the original
> contents of my old domain into this export domain, which seemed to work
> fine.  I just had to hit the "load" button while in the import section
> of the web gui (but I am assuming you have done this already).

Yeah, I did try this but I couldn't get it to show anything when I hit
load. I tried copying it into just about every folder in the export
domain hoping I was just putting it in the wrong spot. Never got this to
work. *shrug*

> I have struggled understanding why you cannot simply just point to an
> oVirt VM file and import this way, or "import" an export domain that
> already exists.

Yeah. That's what I was hoping for at first, but maybe I just don't know
how to do it right yet.

Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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