
I am trying realize why is exporting of vm to export storage on
glusterfs such slow.

I am using oVirt and RHV, both instalations on version 4.1.7.

Hosts have dedicated nics for rhevm network - 1gbps, data storage itself
is on FC.

GlusterFS cluster lives separate on 4 dedicated hosts. It has slow disks
but I can achieve about 200-400mbit throughput in other applications (we
are using it for "cold" data, backups mostly).

I am using this glusterfs cluster as backend for export storage. When I
am exporting vm I can see only about 60-80mbit throughput.

What could be the bottleneck here?

Could it be qemu-img utility?

vdsm      97739  0.3  0.0 354212 29148 ?        S<l  15:43   0:06
/usr/bin/qemu-img convert -p -t none -T none -f raw
-O raw

Any idea how to make it work faster or what throughput should I expected?



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