On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 2:06 PM, Fred Rolland <froll...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Do you have a link about this information?
> Thanks,
> Freddy

Probably he refers to this blog:

*Support for Ceph via iSCSI* – The Ceph iSCSI target has been tested and
certified as a storage domain for virtual machines. This provides more
infrastructure and deployment choices for engineers and architects.

It seems a described feature that didn't get any referral in oVirt 4.2
release notes:

But I think in general, given a version, it is not guaranteed that what in
RHEV maps with what in oVirt and viceversa.
I don't know if this one about Ceph via iSCSI is one of them.
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