
I recently upgraded an oVirt deployment from 3.6 to 4.0 and then 4.1.9 (my 
actual release). Since then, when migrating many hosts simultaneously I always 
experience few migrations failure like 1 on 10 vms. The failure can occur on 
any host; moreover, after a couple of failure the destination host fall in 
Error status and I have to manually re-activate or wait 30 min.

Tipical error found on vdsm log is (from the source host):
2018-04-12 17:01:32,097+0200 ERROR (migsrc/3192dfe7) [virt.vm] 
(vmId='3192dfe7-eeac-4626-8c86-e49facc9006f') migration destination error: 
Fatal error during migration (migration:287)

Please find the logs of source host (v15.ovirt), destination host (v14.ovirt) 
and engine here: 

Some of the vm affected from the migration failure are:
svn     3192dfe7-eeac-4626-8c86-e49facc9006f
wood    a8e83ff0-dfed-4074-b6b6-e947b8ebb952
qnx66   5697c4a4-9e40-4dd6-aba2-c8ab9904a584

Thank you very much for your help.

Stefano Stagnaro

Prisma Telecom Testing S.r.l.
Via Petrocchi, 4
20127 Milano – Italy

Tel. 02 26113507 int 339
e-mail: stefa...@prismatelecomtesting.com
skype: stefano.stagnaro
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