On 05/30/2018 08:07 AM, Kirin van der Veer wrote:
Hi oVirt users,
I have (what I hope) is a simple problem.
I want to make an https request to start a VM via the oVirt REST API.
Here is the command that I think should work:
curl --user "admin:SECRETPASSWORD" --request POST --header


"Content-Type: application/xml" --header "Accept: application/xml" --data '</action>' https://ovirtengine.localnet:443/api/vms/69c47a91-bbv1-4eda-b71d-7bddf82ee8ab/start

missing ovirt-engine in URL:


However I get a 404 in response (see below):
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /api/vms/60c47a91-bca1-4eda-b71d-7bddf82ee8ab/start was not found on this server.</p>

Where have I made a mistake here?

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