I went ahead and tried to add this script to the appropriate section
of the ovirt.org website.  Opened a pull request here:

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 10:15 AM, RabidCicada <rabidcic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> I put together a full purge ansible script for CentOS.  I figured I'd
> share it here.  I ran into many issues with spurious failures of
> installs when I would try to reinstall ovirt on CentOS after having
> "removed" it.
> I was developing an automated install of our own software along with
> ovirt but along the way I had to reinstall on the same box numerous
> times.  Initially I'd get spurious failures from leftover cruft that
> would get in the way.  I eventually found
> this:https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/how-to/hosted-engine/#recoving-from-failed-install
> and then crafted my own ansible purge script.
> It uses ovirts own engine cleanup script first if it exists, then
> fully cleans every other thing that can affect it.
> Tested on CentOS, probably will work on other distros without too much
> trouble.    Hopefully someone saves themselves some grief
> - name: Clean Old Install
>       #This attempts to remove all old cruft from previous install attempts
>       #The reason we include the ovirt packages is so that they can be 
> reinstall
>       #At potentially newer versions along with dependency packages
>       block:
>         - name: Detect existing cleanup script
>           shell: which ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup | cat
>           register: ohes_cleanup
>         - name: Debug ohes_cleanup.stdout
>           debug:
>             var: ohes_cleanup.stdout
>         - name: Run Ovirt's Hosted Engine Cleanup Script
>           shell: ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup -q
>           when: ohes_cleanup.stdout != ""
>         - name: Clean old packages
>           package:
>             name: "{{item}}"
>             state: absent
>           with_items:
>             - "*vdsm*"
>             - "*ovirt*"
>             - "*libvirt*"
>             - "*cockpit*"
>         - name: Remove old configs etc
>           shell: "rm -rf /etc/{{item}}"
>           args:
>             warn: False
>           with_items:
>             - "/etc/*ovirt*"
>             - "/etc/*vdsm*"
>             - "/etc/libvirt/qemu/HostedEngine*"
>             - "/etc/*libvirt*"
>             - "/etc/guacamole"
>             - "/etc/pki/vdsm"
>             - "/etc/pki/libvirt"
>             - "/etc/pki/CA"
>             - "/etc/pki/keystore"
>             - "/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine"
>             - "/var/lib/libvirt/"
>             - "/var/lib/vdsm/"
>             - "/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-*"
>             - "/var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/"
>             - "/var/cache/libvirt/"
>             - "/etc/libvirt/nwfilter/vdsm-no-mac-spoofing.xml"
>             - "/var/cache/tomcat/temp/*"
>             - "/var/cache/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/*"
>             - "/usr/share/tomcat/webapps/guacamole"
>             - "/usr/share/tomcat/webapps/guacamole.war"
>             - "/etc/guacamole/extensions/guacamole*"
>         - name: Clean old repo files
>           shell: "rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/{{item}}"
>           args:
>             warn: False
>           with_items:
>             - "ovirt*"
>             - "virt*"
>         - name: clean interface configs
>           shell: "rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ovirtmgmt"
>           args:
>             warn: False
>         - name: clean network stuff
>           shell: "{{item}}"
>           args:
>             warn: False
>           with_items:
>             - "brctl delbr ovirtmgmt | cat"
>             - "ip link del ovirtmgmt | cat"
>             - "ip link del dummy0 | cat"
>             - "ip link del virbr0 | cat"
>             - "ip link del virbr0-nic | cat"
>             - 'ip link del \;vdsmdummy\; | cat'
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