Same VDSM error

This is the state shown by service after the failed state messages:

● vdsmd.service - Virtual Desktop Server Manager
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vdsmd.service; enabled; vendor
preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-08-15 13:07:48 EDT; 4min 10s ago
 Main PID: 18378 (vdsmd)
    Tasks: 56
   CGroup: /system.slice/vdsmd.service
           ├─18378 /usr/bin/python2 /usr/share/vdsm/vdsmd
           ├─18495 /usr/libexec/ioprocess --read-pipe-fd 45 --write-pipe-fd
44 --max-threads 10 --max-queued-requests 10
           ├─18504 /usr/libexec/ioprocess --read-pipe-fd 53 --write-pipe-fd
51 --max-threads 10 --max-queued-requests 10
           └─20825 /usr/libexec/ioprocess --read-pipe-fd 60 --write-pipe-fd
59 --max-threads 10 --max-queued-requests 10

Aug 15 13:07:49 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: WARN Not ready yet, ignoring
event '|virt|VM_status|c5463d87-c964-4430-9fdb-0e97d56cf812'
args={'c5463d87-c964-4430-9fdb-0e97d56cf812': {'status': 'Up',
'displayInfo': [{'tlsPort': '-1', 'ipAddress': '0', 'type': 'vnc', 'port':
'5900'}], 'hash': '6802750603520244794', 'cpuUser': '0.00',
'monitorResponse': '0', 'cpuUsage': '0.00', 'elapsedTime': '124', 'cpuSys':
'0.00', 'vcpuPeriod': 100000L, 'timeOffset': '0', 'clientIp': '',
'pauseCode': 'NOERR', 'vcpuQuota': '-1'}}
Aug 15 13:07:49 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: WARN MOM not available.
Aug 15 13:07:49 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: WARN MOM not available, KSM
stats will be missing.
Aug 15 13:07:49 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: ERROR failed to retrieve
Hosted Engine HA score '[Errno 2] No such file or directory'Is the Hosted
Engine setup finished?
Aug 15 13:07:50 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: WARN Not ready yet, ignoring
event '|virt|VM_status|c5463d87-c964-4430-9fdb-0e97d56cf812'
args={'c5463d87-c964-4430-9fdb-0e97d56cf812': {'status': 'Up', 'username':
'Unknown', 'memUsage': '40', 'guestFQDN': '', 'memoryStats': {'swap_out':
'0', 'majflt': '0', 'mem_cached': '772684', 'mem_free': '1696572',
'mem_buffers': '9348', 'swap_in': '0', 'pageflt': '3339', 'mem_total':
'3880652', 'mem_unused': '1696572'}, 'session': 'Unknown', 'netIfaces': [],
'guestCPUCount': -1, 'appsList': (), 'guestIPs': '', 'disksUsage': []}}
Aug 15 13:08:04 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: ERROR failed to retrieve
Hosted Engine HA score '[Errno 2] No such file or directory'Is the Hosted
Engine setup finished?
Aug 15 13:08:16 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: WARN File:
already removed
Aug 15 13:08:16 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: WARN File:
already removed
Aug 15 13:08:16 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: WARN File:
already removed
Aug 15 13:08:19 ovirt-hv1.pbtech vdsm[18378]: ERROR failed to retrieve
Hosted Engine HA score '[Errno 2] No such file or directory'Is the Hosted
Engine setup finished?

Note 'ipAddress': '0' though I see IP was leased out via DHCP server:

Aug 15 13:05:55 server dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:16:3e:54:fb:7f
via em1

While I can ping it from my NFS server which provides storage domain:

64 bytes from ovirt-hv1.pbtech ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.253 ms


Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
HPC System Administrator
Scientific Computing Unit
Weill Cornell Medicine
O: 212-746-6305
F: 212-746-8690

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 12:50 PM, Douglas Duckworth <
> wrote:

> Ok
> I was now able to get to the step:
> Engine replied: DB Up!Welcome to Health Status!
> By removing a bad entry from /etc/hosts for ovirt-engine.pbech which
> pointed to an IP on the local virtualization network.
> Though now when trying to connect to engine during deploy:
> [ ERROR ] The VDSM host was found in a failed state. Please check engine
> and bootstrap installation logs.
> [ ERROR ] Unable to add ovirt-hv1.pbtech to the manager
> Then repeating
> [ INFO  ] Still waiting for engine to start...
> Thanks,
> Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
> HPC System Administrator
> Scientific Computing Unit
> Weill Cornell Medicine
> E:
> O: 212-746-6305
> F: 212-746-8690
> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 10:34 AM, Douglas Duckworth <
>> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I keep getting this error after running
>> sudo hosted-engine --deploy --noansible
>> [ INFO  ] Engine is still not reachable, waiting...
>> [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Engine is still not
>> reachable
>> I do see a VM running
>> 10:20   2:51 /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -name guest=HostedEngine,debug-threa
>> ds=on
>> Though
>> sudo hosted-engine --vm-status
>> [Errno 2] No such file or directory
>> Cannot connect to the HA daemon, please check the logs
>> An error occured while retrieving vm status, please make sure the HA
>> daemon is ready and reachable.
>> Unable to connect the HA Broker
>> Can someone please help?
>> Each time this failed I ran "/usr/sbin/ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup" then
>> tried deployment again.
>> Thanks,
>> Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
>> HPC System Administrator
>> Scientific Computing Unit
>> Weill Cornell Medicine
>> E:
>> O: 212-746-6305
>> F: 212-746-8690
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