
I am new in oVirt and I'd like to get the clarification about the packages which support the function of Window guest agent from 4.2 release and how to build it.

I looked through the document from ovirt.org, such as


It mentioned:

/With the release of oVirt 3.5 we have introduced the oVirt WGT (Windows Guest Tools)./


/The oVirt WGT provides an ISO with all the tools and drivers one needs to install on a Windows VM, with an easy to use installer to install it all in one step./


/So manual compilation and installation of oVirt Guest Agent is no longer necessary./


/The oVirt WGT ISO is included in //ovirt-guest-tools-iso-3.5-7.noarch.rpm <http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-3.5/rpm/fc20/noarch/ovirt-guest-tools-iso-3.5-7.noarch.rpm>//package./

Now, ovirt-guest-tools-iso is up to 4.2.4. I found the src rpm from https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-4.2/rpm/el7/SRPMS/ovirt-guest-tools-iso-4.2-4.el7.src.rpm, but I could not find ovirt-guest-tools-iso from github, only found ovirt-wgt.

After clone the ovirt-wgt, I got the SPICE-tools-0.141.iso built.

My question is :

1. Is ovirt-wgt used for Windows guest?

2. If so, how can I build ovirt-guest-tools-iso package or ovirt-tools-setup.iso




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