On 1/29/19 3:13 PM, John Florian wrote:
> On 1/29/19 2:47 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
>> Once upon a time, John Florian <jflor...@doubledog.org> said:
>>> On 1/29/19 1:30 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
>>>> Can that be run non-interactively to do whatever is needed?
>>>> I'm using a Let's Encrypt cert, which needs to have a 100% automated
>>>> deployment.
>>> Yes, I believe so.  Look at the whole biz with the "answers" file
>>> and the --config-append=file option.  You should already have a
>>> generated answers file laying around from when you ran engine-setup
>>> before.  See /var/lib/ovirt-engine/setup/answers IIRC.
>> Hmm, that won't work - it looks like you can't run engine-setup on a
>> hosted engine unless you first set hosted-engine HA to global
>> maintenance.
>> Is running engine-setup necessary to install/update certificates, or
>> maybe is there a simpler way?
> I'm quite certain you can do it w/o engine-setup if you hit all the
> right file locations.

Just to follow up on this Chris, I have my puppet drop my CA cert in
/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/, my self-signed cert
in/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/certs/ and my key in 
/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/keys.  I also manage
/etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/99-custom-truststore.conf to have:


I believe this gives me everything you seek.


John Florian
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