On Fri, 1 Feb 2019 14:37:10 +0100
Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cec...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> at this moment (about two days ago) I have updated only engine
> (external, not self hosted) from to
> As soon as I'm starting for the first time a VM with an ovn based nic
> I get what below in ovirt-provider-ovn.log
> In admin gui, if I try for example to start via "run once" I get:
> "
> Error while executing action Run VM once: Failed to communicate with
> the external provider, see log for additional details.
> "
> Any clue?

The ovirt-provider-ovn fails during checking the credentials at
engine's sso because of a networking problem.

Can you please check if the url of the config value
ovirt-host in
can be reached from engine's host?
If this does not explain the problem, can you please increase the
logging of the ovirt-provider-ovn by
sudo sed -i.$(date +%F-%H-%M) 's/INFO/DEBUG/gi' 
systemctl restart ovirt-provider-ovn
and share a new detailed error in ovirt-provider-ovn.log?

> Thanks,
> Gianluca
> 2019-01-29 17:23:20,554 root Starting server
> 2019-01-29 17:23:20,554 root Version: 1.2.18-1
> 2019-01-29 17:23:20,555 root Build date: 20190114151850
> 2019-01-29 17:23:20,555 root Githash: dae4c1d
> 2019-01-29 18:04:15,575 root Starting server
> 2019-01-29 18:04:15,576 root Version: 1.2.18-1
> 2019-01-29 18:04:15,576 root Build date: 20190114151850
> 2019-01-29 18:04:15,576 root Githash: dae4c1d
> 2019-02-01 14:26:58,316 root From: ::ffff: Request: GET
> /v2.0/ports
> 2019-02-01 14:26:58,317 root HTTPSConnectionPool(host='engine-host',
> port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:
> /ovirt-engine/sso/oauth/token-info (Caused by
> NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection
> object at
> 0x7fe806166b90>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2]
> 0x7fe806166b90>Name or
> service not known',))
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/handlers/base_handler.py", line
> 134, in _handle_request
>     method, path_parts, content
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/handlers/selecting_handler.py",
> line 175, in handle_request
>     return self.call_response_handler(handler, content, parameters)
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/handlers/neutron.py", line 33,
> in call_response_handler
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugin_facade.py", line
> 31, in validate_token
>     return auth.core.plugin.validate_token(token)
>   File
> "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/authorization_by_username.py",
> line 36, in validate_token
>     return self._is_user_name(token, _admin_user_name())
>   File
> "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/authorization_by_username.py",
> line 47, in _is_user_name
>     timeout=AuthorizationByUserName._timeout())
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/sso.py",
> line 131, in get_token_info
>     timeout=timeout
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/sso.py",
> line 54, in wrapper
>     response = func(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/sso.py",
> line 47, in wrapper
>     raise BadGateway(e)
> BadGateway: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='engine-host', port=443): Max
> retries exceeded with url: /ovirt-engine/sso/oauth/token-info (Caused
> by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection
> object at
> 0x7fe806166b90>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2]
> 0x7fe806166b90>Name or
> service not known',))
> 2019-02-01 14:27:26,968 root From: ::ffff: Request: GET
> /v2.0/ports
> 2019-02-01 14:27:26,969 root HTTPSConnectionPool(host='engine-host',
> port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:
> /ovirt-engine/sso/oauth/token-info (Caused by
> NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection
> object at
> 0x7fe80618df50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2]
> 0x7fe80618df50>Name or
> service not known',))
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/handlers/base_handler.py", line
> 134, in _handle_request
>     method, path_parts, content
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/handlers/selecting_handler.py",
> line 175, in handle_request
>     return self.call_response_handler(handler, content, parameters)
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/handlers/neutron.py", line 33,
> in call_response_handler
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugin_facade.py", line
> 31, in validate_token
>     return auth.core.plugin.validate_token(token)
>   File
> "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/authorization_by_username.py",
> line 36, in validate_token
>     return self._is_user_name(token, _admin_user_name())
>   File
> "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/authorization_by_username.py",
> line 47, in _is_user_name
>     timeout=AuthorizationByUserName._timeout())
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/sso.py",
> line 131, in get_token_info
>     timeout=timeout
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/sso.py",
> line 54, in wrapper
>     response = func(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/sso.py",
> line 47, in wrapper
>     raise BadGateway(e)
> BadGateway: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='engine-host', port=443): Max
> retries exceeded with url: /ovirt-engine/sso/oauth/token-info (Caused
> by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection
> object at
> 0x7fe80618df50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2]
> 0x7fe80618df50>Name or
> service not known',))
> 2019-02-01 14:29:17,412 root From: ::ffff: Request: GET
> /v2.0/ports
> 2019-02-01 14:29:17,412 root HTTPSConnectionPool(host='engine-host',
> port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:
> /ovirt-engine/sso/oauth/token-info (Caused by
> NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection
> object at
> 0x7fe80618de50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2]
> 0x7fe80618de50>Name or
> service not known',))
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/handlers/base_handler.py", line
> 134, in _handle_request
>     method, path_parts, content
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/handlers/selecting_handler.py",
> line 175, in handle_request
>     return self.call_response_handler(handler, content, parameters)
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/handlers/neutron.py", line 33,
> in call_response_handler
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugin_facade.py", line
> 31, in validate_token
>     return auth.core.plugin.validate_token(token)
>   File
> "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/authorization_by_username.py",
> line 36, in validate_token
>     return self._is_user_name(token, _admin_user_name())
>   File
> "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/authorization_by_username.py",
> line 47, in _is_user_name
>     timeout=AuthorizationByUserName._timeout())
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/sso.py",
> line 131, in get_token_info
>     timeout=timeout
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/sso.py",
> line 54, in wrapper
>     response = func(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-provider-ovn/auth/plugins/ovirt/sso.py",
> line 47, in wrapper
>     raise BadGateway(e)
> BadGateway: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='engine-host', port=443): Max
> retries exceeded with url: /ovirt-engine/sso/oauth/token-info (Caused
> by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection
> object at
> 0x7fe80618de50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2]
> 0x7fe80618de50>Name or
> service not known',))
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