Hey Gianluca,

The process of adding a cinderlib DB is similar to the engine DB.

The cinderlib DB will be used by cinderlib process, so you will not see
there anything until you will use this feature.

The "Managed block storage" domain function will be available only if you
configured the cinderlib DB in the engine setup and *manually configured
the engine to support cinderlib.*

You can use the following links to learn more about the cinderlib

   - Managed block storage feature page -
   - Managed block storage deep dive session -

Note that there are more manual steps that should be done in order to use
it in this stage.

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 1:24 PM Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cec...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I have updated an environment from 4.2.8 to 4.3.1.
> During setup I selected:
>           --== PRODUCT OPTIONS ==--
>           Set up Cinderlib integration
>           (Currently in tech preview. For more info -
> https://ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/storage/cinderlib-integration.html
> )
>           (Yes, No) [No]: Yes
> . . .
>           --== DATABASE CONFIGURATION ==--
>           Where is the ovirt cinderlib database located? (Local, Remote)
> [Local]:
>           Setup can configure the local postgresql server automatically
> for the CinderLib to run. This may conflict with existing applications.
>           Would you like Setup to automatically configure postgresql and
> create CinderLib database, or prefer to perform that manually? (Automatic,
> Manual) [Automatic]:
> . . .
>           --== CONFIGURATION PREVIEW ==--
> . . .
>           CinderLib database secured connection   : False
>           CinderLib database user name            : ovirt_cinderlib
>           CinderLib database name                 : ovirt_cinderlib
>           CinderLib database host                 : localhost
>           CinderLib database port                 : 5432
>           CinderLib database host name validation : False
>           Set up Cinderlib integration            : True
>           Configure local CinderLib database      : True
> at the end I upgraded cluster and dc compatibility version to 4.3.
> When I go in the UI and add storage domain, in "Domain Function" field I
> don't see the "ManagedBlockStorage" between the available ones
> I see that the RDBMS has been created, but empty... is it the expected
> result?
> -bash-4.2$ psql ovirt_cinderlib
> psql (9.2.24, server 10.6)
> WARNING: psql version 9.2, server version 10.0.
>          Some psql features might not work.
> Type "help" for help.
> ovirt_cinderlib=# \d
> No relations found.
> ovirt_cinderlib=#
> Any hint about enabling/testing cinderlib integration with 4.3.1?
> Current packages on engine:
> [root@ovmgr1 ~]# rpm -qa | grep -i cinder
> openstack-java-cinder-model-3.2.5-1.el7.noarch
> ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-cinderlib-
> openstack-java-cinder-client-3.2.5-1.el7.noarch
> [root@ovmgr1 ~]#
> and "yum search cinder" command doesn't give any more packages than those
> already installed
> Thanks in advance,
> Gianluca
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