Thanks for your reply Luca,
I confirmed the cluster name, it is "Default".  I even tried to run the script 
again and I made sure the D in default was upper case because linux is case 
sensitive.  It still fails in the same way as before.

From: Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto <>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2019 3:34 AM
To: Jeremy Tourville
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Vagrant Plugin

Il ven 29 mar 2019, 19:12 Jeremy Tourville 
<<>> ha scritto:
I am having some trouble getting the Ovirt Vagrant plugin working.  I was able 
to get Vagrant installed and could even run the example scenario listed in the 

My real issue is getting a vm generated by the SecGen project  to come up.  If I use the VirtualBox provider 
everything works as expected and I can launch the vm with vagrant up.  If I try 
to run using Ovirt provider it fails.

I had originally posted this over in Google groups /  Vagrant forums and it was 
suggested to take it to Ovirt.  Hopefully, somebody here has some insights.

The process fails quickly with the following output.  Can anyone give some 
suggestions on how to fix the issue?  I have also included a copy of my 
vagrantfile below. Thanks in advance for your assistance!


Bringing machine 'escalation' up with 'ovirt4' provider...
==> escalation: Creating VM with the following settings...
==> escalation:  -- Name:          SecGen-default-scenario-escalation
==> escalation:  -- Cluster:       default
==> escalation:  -- Template:      debian_stretch_server_291118
==> escalation:  -- Console Type:  spice
==> escalation:  -- Memory:
==> escalation:  ---- Memory:      512 MB
==> escalation:  ---- Maximum:     512 MB
==> escalation:  ---- Guaranteed:  512 MB
==> escalation:  -- Cpu:
==> escalation:  ---- Cores:       1
==> escalation:  ---- Sockets:     1
==> escalation:  ---- Threads:     1
==> escalation:  -- Cloud-Init:    false
==> escalation: An error occured. Recovering..
==> escalation: VM is not created. Please run `vagrant up` first.
 `raise_error': Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "Entity not 
found: Cluster: name=default". HTTP response code is 404.

Hello Jeremy,

Looks like you have no cluster called default in your setup. Edit your vagrant 
file accordingly to your setup.

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