Today, I updated engine to the latest Version
Trying to upload an install iso to the hosted storage domain gives same
disk paused by system issue.

Apr 25, 2019, 5:26:18 PMTransfer was stopped by system. Reason: failed to
add image ticket to ovirt-imageio-proxy.

on the node which was running ovirt-image

/var/log/ovirt-imageio-daemon contains:
2019-04-25 17:08:51,757 INFO    (Thread-2) [http] OPEN client=local
2019-04-25 17:08:51,758 INFO    (Thread-2) [tickets] [local] ADD
ticket={u'uuid': u'6971e886-5339-4df1-88df-445e51fba1c8', u'ops':
[u'write'], u'url': u'fi
66-96f1-6c5848c3d2be', u'sparse': True, u'timeout': 300,
u'transfer_id': u'e85ce170-03e6-480d-bbc5-8551c266cc97', u'size':
2019-04-25 17:08:51,759 INFO    (Thread-2) [http] CLOSE client=local
[connection=0.001420/1, dispatch=0.000634/1]

going to that directory above shows
# ls -l
total 1025
-rw-rw----. 1 vdsm kvm 1045426176 Apr 25 17:08
-rw-rw----. 1 vdsm kvm    1048576 Apr 25 17:08
-rw-r--r--. 1 vdsm kvm        345 Apr 25 17:08

image is showing same size as the iso file.

On engine
# systemctl status -l ovirt-imageio-proxy.service
● ovirt-imageio-proxy.service - oVirt ImageIO Proxy
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-imageio-proxy.service;
enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-04-25 16:36:24 EDT; 51min ago
 Main PID: 56989 (ovirt-imageio-p)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ovirt-imageio-proxy.service
           └─56989 /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/ovirt-imageio-proxy

Apr 25 16:36:24 systemd[1]: Starting oVirt ImageIO
Apr 25 16:36:24 systemd[1]: Started oVirt ImageIO
Apr 25 17:08:30 ovirt-imageio-proxy[56989]: - - [25/Apr/2019 17:08:30] "GET /info/ HTTP/1.1" 200 20
Apr 25 17:25:46 ovirt-imageio-proxy[56989]: - - [25/Apr/2019 17:25:46] "GET /info/ HTTP/1.1" 200 20

# cat image-proxy.log
(MainThread) INFO 2019-04-25 16:25:55,755 image_proxy:43:root:(main) Server
shut down, exiting
(MainThread) INFO 2019-04-25 16:36:24,874 server:45:server:(start) Starting
(pid=56989, version=1.5.1)
(MainThread) INFO 2019-04-25 16:36:24,879 image_proxy:34:root:(main) Server
started, successfully notified systemd

On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 4:51 PM Edward Berger <> wrote:

> Previously I had issues with the upgrades to 4.3.3 failing because of
> "stale" image transfer data, so I removed it from the database using the
> info given here on the mailing list and was able to complete the oVirt node
> and engine upgrades.
> Now I have a new problem.  I can't upload a disk image anymore, which used
> to work.
> "test connection" returns success.
> In the dashboard Storage/Disks view, it starts and then stops with "paused
> by system"
> I tried pointing it at another node, same problem. I tried restarting
> services ovirt-imageio-proxy on engine and ovirt-imageio-daemon on the
> node, same failure.
> in the dashboard events when trying to upload disk I get this error
>       Transfer was stopped by system. Reason: failed to add image ticket
> to ovirt-imageio-proxy.
> or when trying to resume transfer "paused by system" giving it the local
> path again.
>        Transfer was stopped by system. Reason: failure in transfer image
> ticket renewal.
> I'm not sure what logs I should be looking deeper into..
> Here's what the database says
> engine=# select * from image_transfers;
> -[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+-------------------------------------
> command_id                | 59dce2b1-f8ba-44dd-9df9-c6e39773a3f9
> command_type              | 1024
> phase                     | 4
> last_updated              | 2019-04-23 12:22:25.098-04
> message                   | Uploading from byte 0
> vds_id                    |
> disk_id                   | 6693d5ac-d3eb-43d7-9abe-97c5197efc23
> imaged_ticket_id          |
> proxy_uri                 |
> signed_ticket             |
> bytes_sent                | 0
> bytes_total               | 1996488704
> type                      | 2
> active                    | f
> daemon_uri                |
> client_inactivity_timeout | 60
> -[ RECORD 2 ]-------------+-------------------------------------
> command_id                | 16898219-be5b-4826-8f20-3355fa47272a
> command_type              | 1024
> phase                     | 4
> last_updated              | 2019-04-23 16:15:34.591-04
> message                   | Uploading from byte 0
> vds_id                    |
> disk_id                   | 3b8e3053-bfe4-49d3-abd2-5452b1674400
> imaged_ticket_id          |
> proxy_uri                 |
> signed_ticket             |
> bytes_sent                | 0
> bytes_total               | 1998585856
> type                      | 2
> active                    | f
> daemon_uri                |
> client_inactivity_timeout | 60
> I really need the image uploading to work. Any suggestions on what to do
> next?
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