I have an oVirt dev environment, and I have one host and the engine as well as VMs running on a network that looks something like this when I start a Windows 10 VM, 1903 or 1809 I start getting issues all across that sub-net. It happens to be my server subnet. Now we have not had any catastrophic interruptions because of it but the behavior is weird. But its weird, this dev environment when I bring up a windows 10 VM on the ovirtmgmt network riding on the same vlan I experience this insane packet loss when I am pinging from my desktop machine to my dhcp server which is also on the subnet.

The reason I am emailing the mailing lists is we had planned on moving to 4.3.3 tonight, but I cannot confirm if this weird network issue is some how related to 4.3.3 and the way its handling networking. Or if we have something wrong in our network. Just wanted to know if anyone else experience weird issues with VMs windows or otherwise on the ovirtmgmt network in 4.3.3.

All the VMs in this dev environment are brand new installations of their respective base OS. Windows and CentOS7

Thank you.

Jacob Green

Systems Admin

American Alloy Steel

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