Hello Ondra

Le 19/06/2019 à 14:34, Ondra Machacek a écrit :
We support tower, so you shouldn't have any issues integrate it.
There is oVirt/RHV credentials in the Tower/awx. So you can use those
for the authentication.

Can you please share some docs?

The only thing I managed to do in awx is to create dynamic inventories with ovirt credentials (following https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/3.5.0/html/userguide/credentials.html#red-hat-virtualization)

What I asked was for ansible/awx integration into ovirt. For instance when creating a new vm, to be able to add local playbook or a tower template through API.

I currently do this with awx, but the goal would be to use ovirt UI instead of awx one.

I hope tobe clear enough

On 19/06/2019 10:37, Nathanaël Blanchet wrote:
Hello, I wrote a playbook for workflow that automates a vm creation from a template/cloud-init and then add it to our supervision engine and finally to our backup system. All currently works fine with awx.

I'd like to use one UI, and I wondered if integrating awx/tower in ovirt could be a good way to complete a basic current vm creation.

Nathanaël Blanchet

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