Thanks so much for your reply Robert!

I like your set-up alot, that's where I'm going too actually.  But now I have 
only one node, I'm trying to learn very basic setup with just the one for the 
moment (Because I have it running after years of trying! It will take a few 
weeks and another motherboard / rebuild before I have the second node, I'll get 
there soon).

I've just learned (I think) that I can't sync new logical networks with the 
host, because I can't put the only host in maintenance mode...I thought that 
there might be a way with cli and restarts and all that but lo, there no point, 
I will have another node in a few weeks or months :)

That's okay, I'm trying to work out why I can't access my new test server from 
WAN.  I use split dns with pfsense and haproxy reverse redirects. I can get to 
the server test pages from LAN via the pfSense dns resolution (LAN) but the 
reverse redirects are not working from WAN.  I don't know what next step to 
take to debug the problem.  The engine is accessible from WAN, so I think it 
should work for the vm server, which is also on the default ovirt management 
network and uses all defaults like the hosted engine.  I suspect that there is 
a security setting on the engine, logical network or maybe the server?

What should I check next?

My singe node, is also in the same condition, which may be instructive to a 
noob like me...the node I can reach from the LAN but not the WAN.  So the 
engine is a special case.  Do I need to create certificates on the vm webserver?

I'd like to see if I can set-up a NextCloud server after trying a SuiteCRM 
server.  But I started with fedora 31 server and a very basic lamp stack to 
limit variables...

Thanks in advance.  Let me know if I can ever help you with anything!  I'm an 
Architect, but a real one; not IT but bricks and all that :)

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