On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 6:23 PM Gianluca Cecchi
<gianluca.cec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just to give a report of final success updating from 4.3.7 to 4.4 one of my 
> home labs, composed by a single host.
> hw: Intel NUC6i5SY with 32G of ram and 2 SSD disks (250Gb and 500Gb)
> source sw: oVirt 4.3.7 single host with CentOS 7 OS and storage provided 
> through the host itself via NFS (not officially supported, but working, apart 
> when shutdown needed)
> Two main VMs to migrate to the new environment: Fedora 30 and Slackware 
> Current (just to not forget the first love... ;-)


> Exported the VMs to an export storage domain offered through an external USB 
> disk

Any particular reason to do this instead of upgrade via engine backup/restore?
Each has its own Pros and Cons, of course.

> dest sw: oVirt node ng 4.4 configured with HCI single host wizard. Installed 
> on the 250Gb disk. I pre-clean the disks (dd of the first 100Mb of the disks) 
> before install, because during the beta/rc phase I noticed the installer was 
> not so smart to cleanup pre-existing configurations.
> I had problems in the first run, but with engine cleanup and redeploying it 
> went ok.
> See here for more details:
> https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/thread/6QODLB6J5Z74YCVF6C3TLQPF4KK7RKB5/

The issue there (admin password with '%') should be fixed in 4.4.1, soon:


> I configured the gluster domains in the wizard on the whole second disk.
> I then imported the 2 VMs without problems. Before starting them up I changed 
> their inherited "BIOS Type" from Legacy to "Default Cluster" and they both 
> started without any problem.
> While in 4.4 I was able to update Fedora VM from 30 to 31 and then 32 and 
> also refresh the slackware-current one that was about a month behind from 
> latest current.
> With "Default Cluster" BIOS type the VMs start with the following options:
> " -machine pc-q35-rhel8.1.0,accel=kvm,usb=off,dump-guest-core=off -cpu 
> Broadwell-noTSX"
> I was then able to download a CentOS 8 cloud image from the predefined 
> ovirt-image-repository storage domain and convert it to template.
> Created a VM from this template and cloud-init was able to inject the ssh 
> public key and set timezone.
> Changed cluster type of ths VM to Default as above with a warning from oVirt 
> but without any problem inside the VM and also changed the disk type from 
> virtio to virtio-scsi without problems.
> Now I enabled incremental backup at engine level and also at disk level of 
> this CentOS 8 VM so that I can make some tests in this regard.
> Also, I was able to successfully test the ovirt-ansible-shutdown-env ansible 
> role to make a clean overall shutdown of the environment, one of the things 
> that in my previous unsupported setup was a little cumbersome.
> Right after install I noticed that in CentOS 8 ovirt-node-ng setup, 
> intel_pstate was the default scaling driver setup, but my cpu was almost 
> always crying with core at 2.6Ghz (and temp around 90 degrees) even if 
> attempted to setup conservative profiles and without nothing running, apart 
> engine VM.
> The NUC is under my working day table and I don't need always performance 
> from it...
> So I modified (notice also the rhgb and quite omissions...) these files and 
> reboot:
> - /etc/default/grub
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX='crashkernel=auto resume=/dev/mapper/onn-swap 
> rd.lvm.lv=onn/ovirt-node-ng-4.4.0-0.20200521.0+1 rd.lvm.lv=onn/swap 
> intel_pstate=disable'
> - /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
> set default_kernelopts="root=UUID=85212719-8feb-43aa-9819-2820d4672795 ro 
> crashkernel=auto ipv6.disable=1 intel_pstate=disable "
> - 
> /boot/loader/entries/ovirt-node-ng-4.4.0-0.20200521.0+1-4.18.0-147.8.1.el8_1.x86_64.conf
> options intel_pstate=disable boot=UUID=b717ab4f-ca71-469a-8836-ff92cebc7650 
> crashkernel=auto rd.lvm.lv=onn/swap 
> root=/dev/onn/ovirt-node-ng-4.4.0-0.20200521.0+1 resume=/dev/mapper/onn-swap 
> rootflags=discard rd.lvm.lv=onn/ovirt-node-ng-4.4.0-0.20200521.0+1 
> img.bootid=ovirt-node-ng-4.4.0-0.20200521.0+1 null
> - /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg
> set default_kernelopts="root=/dev/mapper/onn-root ro crashkernel=auto 
> resume=/dev/mapper/onn-swap rd.lvm.lv=onn/root rd.lvm.lv=onn/swap 
> intel_pstate=disable "
> And now with the default/old scaling driver all is quite silent and still 
> working ok for my needs, with web admin quite usable. I updated my two VMs as 
> described above after cpompleting these changes.
> Right now for example I have hosted engine running + slackware one + CentOS 8 
> one with
> [root@ovirt01 ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Hz
> model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6260U CPU @ 1.80GHz
> cpu MHz : 648.431
> model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6260U CPU @ 1.80GHz
> cpu MHz : 628.307
> model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6260U CPU @ 1.80GHz
> cpu MHz : 648.859
> model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6260U CPU @ 1.80GHz
> cpu MHz : 663.792
> [root@ovirt01 ~]#
> and
> [root@ovirt01 ~# cat  /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
> powersave
> powersave
> powersave
> powersave
> [root@ovirt01 g.cecchi]#
> Thanks to all that helped throughout ...

Thanks for the report!

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