Hi Didi,

thank you very much for your help.

We will use the FQDN as hostname. This seems to work fine and it will report 
the full name again in oVirt.

BR Florian

----- Ursprüngliche Mail -----
Von: "Yedidyah Bar David" <d...@redhat.com>
An: "Florian Schmid" <fsch...@ubimet.com>
CC: "Tomas Golembiovsky" <tgole...@redhat.com>, "Sandro Bonazzola" 
<sbona...@redhat.com>, "users" <users@ovirt.org>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2020 12:01:14
Betreff: Re: [ovirt-users] Re: qemu-guest-agent on Ubuntu doesn't report FQDN

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 10:23 AM Florian Schmid <fsch...@ubimet.com> wrote:
> Hello Yedidyah,
> thank you for this great answer.
> I will answer in the text below.
> BR Florian
> ----- Ursprüngliche Mail -----
> Von: "Yedidyah Bar David" <d...@redhat.com>
> An: "Florian Schmid" <fsch...@ubimet.com>
> CC: "Tomas Golembiovsky" <tgole...@redhat.com>, "Sandro Bonazzola" 
> <sbona...@redhat.com>, "users" <users@ovirt.org>
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2020 08:37:21
> Betreff: Re: [ovirt-users] Re: qemu-guest-agent on Ubuntu doesn't report FQDN
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 5:34 PM Florian Schmid via Users
> <users@ovirt.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> after digging a bit deeper, it looks like it is the problem with the 
> >> qemu-guest-agent.
> >>
> >> It does only report the hostname and nothing more. It uses this function: 
> >> g_get_host_name ()
> >>
> >> This function always returns the value in /etc/hostname and this is 
> >> normally the short name of the VM without the domain part.
> >>
> >> It looks like, that the ovirt-guest-agent made this different,
> >
> >Indeed, and from checking the git log, it seems like it did this since
> >the very first commit - already then,
> >ovirt-guest-agent/GuestAgentLinux2.py had:
> >    def getMachineName(self):
> >        return socket.getfqdn()
> Correct, this is what I wanted back.
> >
> >> but this is not working anymore with python 3.
> >
> >If in "this" you refer to ovirt-guest-agent, then it's deprecated:
> >
> >https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1672732
> Yes, I know. Now using the QGA with oVirt 4.3 reports only the short hostname.
> >
> >>
> >> There was a recent patch for qga -> 
> >> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1845127
> >
> >This bug seems to discuss something else, not directly related to your
> >own issue.
> >
> >> but this won't help me, because even when this patch would add the FQDN to 
> >> oVirt back, there won't be a package for this for Ubuntu 20.04 and 
> >> probably also not for RedHat/CentOS 8.
> >
> >Not sure what you mean here. The bug is on qga, and fixing it (or your
> >own issue) is unrelated to oga's deprecation.
> I wanted to say, that this change might also impact the reported hostname, 
> but I don't think so...
> >
> >Your issue seems to be, to me:
> >
> >1. oga used to report the FQDN, as returned by python's socket.getfqdn()
> >2. qga returns something else (and this something else might be
> >changed, following above bug, but likely not to what you want).
> >3. oVirt now uses qga instead of oga, thus changing its past behavior.
> >4. You want the old behavior back - basically, claiming this is a regression.
> Yes, exactly.
> >
> >If so, then:
> >
> >1. You are welcome to open a bug about this, on qga.
> >2. Your request *might* be rejected, on the ground of breaking
> >compatibility for existing/old users of qga (say, using virt-manager
> >or whatever other virt tool, without oga installed)
> I'm 100 % sure, that they will reject this.
> >
> >Alternatively, or if this bug is rejected, you can open two new bugs:
> >
> >1. one on qga, to provide the fqdn (using, hopefully, logic similar to
> >python's getfqdn, although qga is written in C)
> Possible, but this won't help me a lot, because even if they add a new 
> function to qga, oVirt would need to be changed too, to access this function 
> instead of the one it is using now.
> >2. other on the oVirt engine, to use this new functionality of qga
> >instead of the existing one.
> Yes.
> >
> >You also have another alternative - just adapt your machines to have
> >the fqdn as the hostname. I personally think this is the best way to
> >go. Have 'hostname' return the FQDN you want, and only use 'hostname
> >-s' where you really want it to be short. How do you set the hostnames
> >of your machines?
> This is what I don't know, if this has some drawbacks.
> I have checked this on internet, but haven't find a lot about it, what is 
> digging deeper.
> Maybe someone here has some experience with using FQDN for hostname?

I use this on all my machines (CentOS/RHEL ones, anyway) and all seems ok.
I do recommend, obviously, that you do your own research/testing.

> I can live with such a solution, when it doesn't have big drawbacks...

The only actual drawback I can think of is that the hostname is limited
to 64 chars, whereas the FQDN can be up to 255 chars. So if you want a
longer FQDN, you can't use it as the hostname.

Another obvious drawback is that applications that use the full hostname
for reporting, as opposed to explicitly using 'hostname -s', will now
have the FQDN in their reports, which you might find too long etc.
I personally consider this an advantage, not a drawback. Memory and disk
space are cheap these days, but time is still expensive - if you get a
report about "servera" instead of "servera.somedomain" and it causes you
to spend time understanding what server this is, it's more waste, IMO,
than having "servera.somedomain" everywhere. But that's obviously a
personal matter...

Best regards,
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