On Fri, Aug 7, 2020, 15:52 Łukasz Kołaciński <l.kolacin...@storware.eu>

> Hello,
> Thank you for previous answers. I don't have problems with checkpoints
> anymore.
> I am trying to send PATCH request to imageio but it seems like I don't
> have write access. In the documentation I saw that it must be a RAW format.
> I think I am missing something else.
> OPTIONS Request:
> {
>     "features": [
>         "extents"
>     ],
>     "max_readers": 8,
>     "max_writers": 8
> }
> PATCH Request:
> *You are not allowed to access this resource: Ticket
> 485493df-b07a-495c-8aa3-824aad45b4ab forbids write*
> I created transfer using java sdk:
> ImageTransfer imageTransfer =
> connection.getImageTransfersSvc().addForDisk().imageTransfer(
>                 imageTransfer()
>                         .direction(direction)

Is this a backup? You cannot write to disks during backup.

>                         .backup(backup)
>                         .inactivityTimeout(120)
>                         .format(DiskFormat.RAW))
>                 .send().imageTransfer();

Can you explain what are you trying to do?

> It's similar to python examples.
> Best Regards
> Łukasz Kołaciński
> Junior Java Developer
> e-mail: l.kolacin...@storware.eu
> <m.helb...@storware.eu>
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