On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 1:29 PM Rodrigo G. López <r.gonza...@telfy.com>

> Hi Arik,
> Ok, we'll try with that one.

That's just to prevent your hosted engine from being corrupted

> The oVirt version we use is 4.4.1.

We made several fixes in that area since then, however I see this still
happens on latest version -
so please file a bug and we'll look into it

> On 9/30/20 11:55 AM, Arik Hadas wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 12:30 PM Rodrigo G. López <r.gonza...@telfy.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We are running an oVirt 4.4 Hosted Engine as a VM, and after changing the
>> Cluster's BIOS type from Q35 with Legacy BIOS (the default one after
>> installation) to Preexistent, the VM fails with the following error:
>> XML error: The device at PCI address 0000:00:02.0 cannot be plugged into
>> the PCI controller with index='0'. It requires a controller that accepts a
>> pcie-root-port.
>> We need it so that we can run imported VMs from a previous version of
>> oVirt, namely 4.0.
>> Applying the BIOS settings individually works but as an attempt to
>> generalize the settings we decided to apply it to the full cluster.
>> Tell me if you need more data.
> Hi,
> First, I'd recommend to set the hosted-engine VM with custom bios type set
> to q35+seabios (that's going to be automatically set as of 4.4.3).
> Second, what version of oVirt 4.4 do you use?
>> Cheers,
>> -rodri
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> --
> *Rodrigo* González López
> Dpto. Ingeniería
> [image: No parecemos diferentes, LO SOMOS] <http://telfy.com/>
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