On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 1:59 PM Alex K <rightkickt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 1:43 PM emesika <emes...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> The problem is that the custom fencing configuration is not defined well
>> Please follow [1] and retry
>> [1]
>> https://www.ovirt.org/develop/developer-guide/engine/custom-fencing.html
> Yes, I followed that.
> I cannot see what I am missing:
> [root@manager ~]# engine-config -g CustomVdsFenceType
> CustomVdsFenceType: fence_xvm version: general
should be only xvm

> [root@manager ~]# engine-config -g CustomFenceAgentMapping
> CustomFenceAgentMapping: fence_xvm=xvm version: general
Not needed , please keep empty

> [root@manager ~]# engine-config -g CustomVdsFenceOptionMapping
> CustomVdsFenceOptionMapping: fence_xvm: version: general
this one seems not OK , you should list here all options for the agent ,
please check the doc again

>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 12:56 PM Alex K <rightkickt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 12:34 PM Martin Perina <mper...@redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 11:18 AM Alex K <rightkickt...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 11:59 AM Martin Perina <mper...@redhat.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> could you please provide engine.log? And also vdsm.log from a host
>>>>>> which was acting as a fence proxy?
>>>>> At proxy host (kvm1) I see the following vdsm.log:
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:13:03,933+0000 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
>>>>> RPC call Host.fenceNode failed (error 1) in 0.01 seconds (__init__:312)
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:13:04,376+0000 INFO  (jsonrpc/7) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
>>>>> RPC call Host.fenceNode failed (error 1) in 0.01 seconds (__init__:312)
>>>> Isn't there stdout and stderr content of fence_xvm execution a few
>>>> lines above, which should reveal the exact error? If not, then could you
>>>> please turn on debug logging using below command:
>>>> vdsm-client Host setLogLevel level=DEBUG
>>>> This should be executed on the host which acts as a fence proxy (if you 
>>>> have multiple hosts, then you would need to turn on debug on all, because 
>>>> the fence proxy is selected randomly).
>>>> Once we will have vdsm.log with fence_xvm execution details, then you can 
>>>> change log level to INFO again by running:
>>>> I had to set engine-config -s CustomFenceAgentMapping="fence_xvm=xvm"
>>> at engine, as it seems the host prepends fence_.
>>> After that I got the following at the proxy host with DEBUG enabled:
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:57,891+0000 DEBUG (jsonrpc/7) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
>>> Calling 'Host.fenceNode' in bridge with {u'username': u'root', u'addr':
>>> u'', u'agent': u'xvm', u'options': u'port=ovirt-node0',
>>> u'action': u'status', u'password': '********', u'port': u'0'} (__init__:329)
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:57,892+0000 DEBUG (jsonrpc/7) [root] /usr/bin/taskset
>>> --cpu-list 0-3 /usr/sbin/fence_xvm (cwd None) (commands:198)
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:57,911+0000 INFO  (jsonrpc/7) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
>>> RPC call Host.fenceNode failed (error 1) in 0.02 seconds (__init__:312)
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,339+0000 DEBUG (jsonrpc/5) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
>>> Calling 'Host.fenceNode' in bridge with {u'username': u'root', u'addr':
>>> u'', u'agent': u'xvm', u'options': u'port=ovirt-node0',
>>> u'action': u'status', u'password': '********', u'port': u'0'} (__init__:329)
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,340+0000 DEBUG (jsonrpc/5) [root] /usr/bin/taskset
>>> --cpu-list 0-3 /usr/sbin/fence_xvm (cwd None) (commands:198)
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,356+0000 INFO  (jsonrpc/5) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
>>> RPC call Host.fenceNode failed (error 1) in 0.01 seconds (__init__:312
>>> while at engine at got:
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:57,873Z INFO
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>> (default task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] EVENT_ID:
>>> management status on Host kvm0.lab.local using Proxy Host kvm1.lab.local
>>> and Fence Agent xvm:
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:57,888Z INFO
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] (default
>>> task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] START,
>>> FenceVdsVDSCommand(HostName = kvm1.lab.local,
>>> FenceVdsVDSCommandParameters:{hostId='91c81bbe-5933-4ed0-b9c5-2c8c277e44c7',
>>> targetVdsId='b5e8fe3d-cbea-44cb-835a-f88d6d70c163', action='STATUS',
>>> agent='FenceAgent:{id='null', hostId='null', order='1', type='xvm',
>>> ip='', port='0', user='root', password='***',
>>> encryptOptions='false', options='port=ovirt-node0'}', policy='null'}), log
>>> id: e6d3e8c
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,008Z WARN
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>> (default task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] EVENT_ID:
>>> VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED(9,001), Power Management test failed for Host
>>> kvm0.lab.local.Internal JSON-RPC error
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,008Z INFO
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] (default
>>> task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] FINISH, FenceVdsVDSCommand,
>>> return: FenceOperationResult:{status='ERROR', powerStatus='UNKNOWN',
>>> message='Internal JSON-RPC error'}, log id: e6d3e8c
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,133Z WARN
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>> (default task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] EVENT_ID:
>>> management status on Host kvm0.lab.local using Proxy Host kvm1.lab.local
>>> and Fence Agent xvm: failed.
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,134Z WARN
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceAgentExecutor] (default task-5)
>>> [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] Fence action failed using proxy host
>>> 'kvm1.lab.local', trying another proxy
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,258Z ERROR
>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceProxyLocator] (default task-5)
>>> [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] Can not run fence action on host
>>> 'kvm0.lab.local', no suitable proxy host was found.
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,258Z WARN
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceAgentExecutor] (default task-5)
>>> [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] Failed to find another proxy to
>>> re-run failed fence action, retrying with the same proxy 'kvm1.lab.local'
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,334Z INFO
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>> (default task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] EVENT_ID:
>>> management status on Host kvm0.lab.local using Proxy Host kvm1.lab.local
>>> and Fence Agent xvm:
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,337Z INFO
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] (default
>>> task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] START,
>>> FenceVdsVDSCommand(HostName = kvm1.lab.local,
>>> FenceVdsVDSCommandParameters:{hostId='91c81bbe-5933-4ed0-b9c5-2c8c277e44c7',
>>> targetVdsId='b5e8fe3d-cbea-44cb-835a-f88d6d70c163', action='STATUS',
>>> agent='FenceAgent:{id='null', hostId='null', order='1', type='xvm',
>>> ip='', port='0', user='root', password='***',
>>> encryptOptions='false', options='port=ovirt-node0'}', policy='null'}), log
>>> id: 557cbe7a
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,426Z WARN
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>> (default task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] EVENT_ID:
>>> VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED(9,001), Power Management test failed for Host
>>> kvm0.lab.local.Internal JSON-RPC error
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,427Z INFO
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] (default
>>> task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] FINISH, FenceVdsVDSCommand,
>>> return: FenceOperationResult:{status='ERROR', powerStatus='UNKNOWN',
>>> message='Internal JSON-RPC error'}, log id: 557cbe7a
>>> 2020-12-15 10:51:58,508Z WARN
>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>> (default task-5) [a4f30921-37a9-45c1-97e5-26152f844d72] EVENT_ID:
>>> management status on Host kvm0.lab.local using Proxy Host kvm1.lab.local
>>> and Fence Agent xvm: failed.
>>> I see that the proxy host uses twice the port option. Could that be the
>>> reason?
>>>> vdsm-client Host setLogLevel level=INFO
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Martin
>>>> 2020-12-15 10:13:06,722+0000 INFO  (jsonrpc/4) [api.host] FINISH
>>>>> getStats return={'status': {'message': 'Done', 'code': 0}, 'info':
>>>>> {'cpuStatistics': {'1': {'cpuUser': '2.33', 'nodeIndex': 0, 'cpuSys':
>>>>> '1.13', 'cpuIdle': '96.54'}, '0': {'cpuUser': '1.66', 'nodeIndex': 0,
>>>>> 'cpuSys': '0.47', 'cpuIdle': '97.87'}, '3': {'cpuUser': '0.73',
>>>>> 'nodeIndex': 0, 'cpuSys': '0.60', 'cpuIdle': '98.67'}, '2': {'cpuUser':
>>>>> '1.20', 'nodeIndex': 0, 'cpuSys': '0.40', 'cpuIdle': '98.40'}},
>>>>> 'numaNodeMemFree': {'0': {'memPercent': 14, 'memFree': '8531'}},
>>>>> 'memShared': 0, 'haScore': 3400, 'thpState': 'always',
>>>>> 'ksmMergeAcrossNodes': True, 'vmCount': 0, 'memUsed': '8',
>>>>> 'storageDomains': {u'b4d25e5e-7806-464f-b2e1-4d4ab5a54dee': {'code': 0,
>>>>> 'actual': True, 'version': 5, 'acquired': True, 'delay': '0.0027973',
>>>>> 'lastCheck': '2.7', 'valid': True},
>>>>> u'dc4d507b-954f-4da6-bcc3-b4f2633d0fa1': {'code': 0, 'actual': True,
>>>>> 'version': 5, 'acquired': True, 'delay': '0.00285824', 'lastCheck': '5.7',
>>>>> 'valid': True}}, 'incomingVmMigrations': 0, 'network': {'ovirtmgmt':
>>>>> {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '149',
>>>>> 'name': 'ovirtmgmt', 'tx': '2980375', 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex':
>>>>> 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027186.703727, 'rx': '27524740', 'state':
>>>>> 'up'}, 'lo': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0', 'speed': '1000',
>>>>> 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'lo', 'tx': '1085188922', 'txDropped': '0',
>>>>> 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027186.703727, 'rx': '1085188922',
>>>>> 'state': 'up'}, 'ovs-system': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0', 'speed':
>>>>> '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'ovs-system', 'tx': '0', 'txDropped':
>>>>> '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027186.703727, 'rx': '0',
>>>>> 'state': 'down'}, ';vdsmdummy;': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0',
>>>>> 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': ';vdsmdummy;', 'tx': '0',
>>>>> 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027186.703727,
>>>>> 'rx': '0', 'state': 'down'}, 'br-int': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0',
>>>>> 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'br-int', 'tx': '0',
>>>>> 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027186.703727,
>>>>> 'rx': '0', 'state': 'down'}, 'eth1': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0',
>>>>> 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'eth1', 'tx': '83685154',
>>>>> 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027186.703727,
>>>>> 'rx': '300648288', 'state': 'up'}, 'eth0': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors':
>>>>> '0', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'eth0', 'tx': '2980933',
>>>>> 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027186.703727,
>>>>> 'rx': '28271472', 'state': 'up'}}, 'txDropped': '149', 'anonHugePages':
>>>>> '182', 'ksmPages': 100, 'elapsedTime': '5717.99', 'cpuLoad': '0.42',
>>>>> 'cpuSys': '0.63', 'diskStats': {'/var/log': {'free': '16444'},
>>>>> '/var/run/vdsm/': {'free': '4909'}, '/tmp': {'free': '16444'}},
>>>>> 'cpuUserVdsmd': '1.33', 'netConfigDirty': 'False', 'memCommitted': 0,
>>>>> 'ksmState': False, 'vmMigrating': 0, 'ksmCpu': 0, 'memAvailable': 9402,
>>>>> 'bootTime': '1608021428', 'haStats': {'active': True, 'configured': True,
>>>>> 'score': 3400, 'localMaintenance': False, 'globalMaintenance': True},
>>>>> 'momStatus': 'active', 'multipathHealth': {}, 'rxDropped': '0',
>>>>> 'outgoingVmMigrations': 0, 'swapTotal': 6015, 'swapFree': 6015,
>>>>> 'hugepages': defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {1048576: {'resv_hugepages': 0,
>>>>> 'free_hugepages': 0, 'nr_overcommit_hugepages': 0, 'surplus_hugepages': 0,
>>>>> 'vm.free_hugepages': 0, 'nr_hugepages': 0, 'nr_hugepages_mempolicy': 0},
>>>>> 2048: {'resv_hugepages': 0, 'free_hugepages': 0, 
>>>>> 'nr_overcommit_hugepages':
>>>>> 0, 'surplus_hugepages': 0, 'vm.free_hugepages': 0, 'nr_hugepages': 0,
>>>>> 'nr_hugepages_mempolicy': 0}}), 'dateTime': '2020-12-15T10:13:06 GMT',
>>>>> 'cpuUser': '1.50', 'memFree': 9146, 'cpuIdle': '97.87', 'vmActive': 0,
>>>>> 'v2vJobs': {}, 'cpuSysVdsmd': '0.60'}} from=::1,55238 (api:54)
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:13:07,093+0000 INFO  (jsonrpc/1) [api] FINISH getStats
>>>>> error=Virtual machine does not exist: {'vmId':
>>>>> u'0167fedb-7445-46bb-a39d-ea4471c86bf4'} (api:129)
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:13:07,094+0000 INFO  (jsonrpc/1) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
>>>>> RPC call VM.getStats failed (error 1) in 0.00 seconds (__init__:312)
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:13:07,631+0000 INFO  (jsonrpc/3) [api.host] FINISH
>>>>> getStats return={'status': {'message': 'Done', 'code': 0}, 'info':
>>>>> {'cpuStatistics': {'1': {'cpuUser': '2.33', 'nodeIndex': 0, 'cpuSys':
>>>>> '1.13', 'cpuIdle': '96.54'}, '0': {'cpuUser': '1.66', 'nodeIndex': 0,
>>>>> 'cpuSys': '0.47', 'cpuIdle': '97.87'}, '3': {'cpuUser': '0.73',
>>>>> 'nodeIndex': 0, 'cpuSys': '0.60', 'cpuIdle': '98.67'}, '2': {'cpuUser':
>>>>> '1.20', 'nodeIndex': 0, 'cpuSys': '0.40', 'cpuIdle': '98.40'}},
>>>>> 'numaNodeMemFree': {'0': {'memPercent': 14, 'memFree': '8531'}},
>>>>> 'memShared': 0, 'haScore': 3400, 'thpState': 'always',
>>>>> 'ksmMergeAcrossNodes': True, 'vmCount': 0, 'memUsed': '8',
>>>>> 'storageDomains': {u'b4d25e5e-7806-464f-b2e1-4d4ab5a54dee': {'code': 0,
>>>>> 'actual': True, 'version': 5, 'acquired': True, 'delay': '0.0027973',
>>>>> 'lastCheck': '3.6', 'valid': True},
>>>>> u'dc4d507b-954f-4da6-bcc3-b4f2633d0fa1': {'code': 0, 'actual': True,
>>>>> 'version': 5, 'acquired': True, 'delay': '0.00285824', 'lastCheck': '6.6',
>>>>> 'valid': True}}, 'incomingVmMigrations': 0, 'network': {'ovirtmgmt':
>>>>> {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '149',
>>>>> 'name': 'ovirtmgmt', 'tx': '2985005', 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex':
>>>>> 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027187.616894, 'rx': '27525820', 'state':
>>>>> 'up'}, 'lo': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0', 'speed': '1000',
>>>>> 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'lo', 'tx': '1085195824', 'txDropped': '0',
>>>>> 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027187.616894, 'rx': '1085195824',
>>>>> 'state': 'up'}, 'ovs-system': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0', 'speed':
>>>>> '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'ovs-system', 'tx': '0', 'txDropped':
>>>>> '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027187.616894, 'rx': '0',
>>>>> 'state': 'down'}, ';vdsmdummy;': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0',
>>>>> 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': ';vdsmdummy;', 'tx': '0',
>>>>> 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027187.616894,
>>>>> 'rx': '0', 'state': 'down'}, 'br-int': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0',
>>>>> 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'br-int', 'tx': '0',
>>>>> 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027187.616894,
>>>>> 'rx': '0', 'state': 'down'}, 'eth1': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors': '0',
>>>>> 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'eth1', 'tx': '83689498',
>>>>> 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027187.616894,
>>>>> 'rx': '300653876', 'state': 'up'}, 'eth0': {'rxErrors': '0', 'txErrors':
>>>>> '0', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0', 'name': 'eth0', 'tx': '2985215',
>>>>> 'txDropped': '0', 'duplex': 'unknown', 'sampleTime': 1608027187.616894,
>>>>> 'rx': '28272664', 'state': 'up'}}, 'txDropped': '149', 'anonHugePages':
>>>>> '182', 'ksmPages': 100, 'elapsedTime': '5718.91', 'cpuLoad': '0.42',
>>>>> 'cpuSys': '0.63', 'diskStats': {'/var/log': {'free': '16444'},
>>>>> '/var/run/vdsm/': {'free': '4909'}, '/tmp': {'free': '16444'}},
>>>>> 'cpuUserVdsmd': '1.33', 'netConfigDirty': 'False', 'memCommitted': 0,
>>>>> 'ksmState': False, 'vmMigrating': 0, 'ksmCpu': 0, 'memAvailable': 9402,
>>>>> 'bootTime': '1608021428', 'haStats': {'active': True, 'configured': True,
>>>>> 'score': 3400, 'localMaintenance': False, 'globalMaintenance': True},
>>>>> 'momStatus': 'active', 'multipathHealth': {}, 'rxDropped': '0',
>>>>> 'outgoingVmMigrations': 0, 'swapTotal': 6015, 'swapFree': 6015,
>>>>> 'hugepages': defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {1048576: {'resv_hugepages': 0,
>>>>> 'free_hugepages': 0, 'nr_overcommit_hugepages': 0, 'surplus_hugepages': 0,
>>>>> 'vm.free_hugepages': 0, 'nr_hugepages': 0, 'nr_hugepages_mempolicy': 0},
>>>>> 2048: {'resv_hugepages': 0, 'free_hugepages': 0, 
>>>>> 'nr_overcommit_hugepages':
>>>>> 0, 'surplus_hugepages': 0, 'vm.free_hugepages': 0, 'nr_hugepages': 0,
>>>>> 'nr_hugepages_mempolicy': 0}}), 'dateTime': '2020-12-15T10:13:07 GMT',
>>>>> 'cpuUser': '1.50', 'memFree': 9146, 'cpuIdle': '97.87', 'vmActive': 0,
>>>>> 'v2vJobs': {}, 'cpuSysVdsmd': '0.60'}} from=::1,55238 (api:54)
>>>>> While at engine I have:
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,393Z ERROR
>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.pm.VdsFenceOptions] (default task-13)
>>>>> [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] Cannot find fence agent named
>>>>> 'fence_xvm' in fence option mapping
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,519Z WARN
>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>>>> (default task-13) [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] EVENT_ID:
>>>>> VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED(9,001), Power Management test failed for Host
>>>>> kvm0.lab.local.Internal JSON-RPC error
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,519Z INFO
>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] (default
>>>>> task-13) [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] FINISH, 
>>>>> FenceVdsVDSCommand,
>>>>> return: FenceOperationResult:{status='ERROR', powerStatus='UNKNOWN',
>>>>> message='Internal JSON-RPC error'}, log id: dc98f7c
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,596Z WARN
>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>>>> (default task-13) [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] EVENT_ID:
>>>>> management status on Host kvm0.lab.local using Proxy Host kvm1.lab.local
>>>>> and Fence Agent fence_xvm: failed.
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,596Z WARN
>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceAgentExecutor] (default task-13)
>>>>> [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] Fence action failed using proxy 
>>>>> host
>>>>> 'kvm1.lab.local', trying another proxy
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,694Z ERROR
>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceProxyLocator] (default task-13)
>>>>> [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] Can not run fence action on host
>>>>> 'kvm0.lab.local', no suitable proxy host was found.
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,695Z WARN
>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceAgentExecutor] (default task-13)
>>>>> [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] Failed to find another proxy to
>>>>> re-run failed fence action, retrying with the same proxy 'kvm1.lab.local'
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,695Z ERROR
>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.pm.VdsFenceOptions] (default task-13)
>>>>> [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] Cannot find fence agent named
>>>>> 'fence_xvm' in fence option mapping
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,815Z WARN
>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>>>> (default task-13) [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] EVENT_ID:
>>>>> VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED(9,001), Power Management test failed for Host
>>>>> kvm0.lab.local.Internal JSON-RPC error
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,816Z INFO
>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] (default
>>>>> task-13) [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] FINISH, 
>>>>> FenceVdsVDSCommand,
>>>>> return: FenceOperationResult:{status='ERROR', powerStatus='UNKNOWN',
>>>>> message='Internal JSON-RPC error'}, log id: 4b58ec5e
>>>>> 2020-12-15 10:09:57,895Z WARN
>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>>>> (default task-13) [fa61ae72-bc0c-4487-aeec-2b847877b6b5] EVENT_ID:
>>>>> management status on Host kvm0.lab.local using Proxy Host kvm1.lab.local
>>>>> and Fence Agent fence_xvm: failed.
>>>>> At engine I had set the fence agent mapping as below (and have
>>>>> restarted ovirt-engine service):
>>>>> engine-config -g CustomFenceAgentMapping
>>>>> CustomFenceAgentMapping: fence_xvm=fence_xvm version: general
>>>>> Let me know if you need more logs.
>>>>> I am running ovirt 4.3.10.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 10:23 AM Alex K <rightkickt...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 11:07 AM Alex K <rightkickt...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 8:59 PM Strahil Nikolov <
>>>>>>>> hunter86...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Fence_xvm requires a key is deployed on both the Host and the VMs
>>>>>>>>> in order to succeed. What is happening when you use the cli on any of 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> VMs ?
>>>>>>>>> Also, the VMs require an open tcp port to receive the necessary
>>>>>>>>> output of each request.I
>>>>>>>> I deployed keys at the physical host and virtual hosts, as per
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/rightkick/Notes/blob/master/Ovirt-fence_xmv.md
>>>>>>>> I can get the VM status from the virtual hosts:
>>>>>>>> [root@kvm1 cluster]# fence_xvm -a -k
>>>>>>>> /etc/cluster/fence_xvm.key -H ovirt-node0 -o status
>>>>>>>> Status: ON
>>>>>>>> You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
>>>>>>>> [root@kvm1 cluster]# fence_xvm -a -k
>>>>>>>> /etc/cluster/fence_xvm.key -H ovirt-node1 -o status
>>>>>>>> Status: ON
>>>>>>>> kvm0 and kvm1 are the hostnames of each virtual host, while
>>>>>>>> ovirt-node0 and ovirt-node1 are the domain names of the same virtual 
>>>>>>>> hosts
>>>>>>>> as defined at virsh.
>>>>>>> I am passing also the port/domain option at GUI, but from logs it
>>>>>>> seems it is being ignored as it is not being logged from engine.
>>>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>>>> tried also domain=ovirt-node0 with same results.
>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Strahil Nikolov
>>>>>>>>> В понеделник, 14 декември 2020 г., 10:57:11 Гринуич+2, Alex K <
>>>>>>>>> rightkickt...@gmail.com> написа:
>>>>>>>>> Hi friends,
>>>>>>>>> I was wondering what is needed to setup fence_xvm in order to use
>>>>>>>>> for power management in virtual nested environments for testing 
>>>>>>>>> purposes.
>>>>>>>>> I have followed the following steps:
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/rightkick/Notes/blob/master/Ovirt-fence_xmv.md
>>>>>>>>> I tried also engine-config -s
>>>>>>>>> CustomFenceAgentMapping="fence_xvm=_fence_xvm"
>>>>>>>>> From command line all seems fine and I can get the status of the
>>>>>>>>> host VMs, but I was not able to find what is needed to set this up at
>>>>>>>>> engine UI:
>>>>>>>>> At username and pass I just filled dummy values as they should not
>>>>>>>>> be needed for fence_xvm.
>>>>>>>>> I always get an error at GUI while engine logs give:
>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-14 08:53:48,343Z WARN
>>>>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>>>>>>>> (default task-4) [07c1d540-6d8d-419c-affb-181495d75759] EVENT_ID:
>>>>>>>>> VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED(9,001), Power Management test failed for 
>>>>>>>>> Host
>>>>>>>>> kvm0.lab.local.Internal JSON-RPC error
>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-14 08:53:48,343Z INFO
>>>>>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] 
>>>>>>>>> (default
>>>>>>>>> task-4) [07c1d540-6d8d-419c-affb-181495d75759] FINISH, 
>>>>>>>>> FenceVdsVDSCommand,
>>>>>>>>> return: FenceOperationResult:{status='ERROR', powerStatus='UNKNOWN',
>>>>>>>>> message='Internal JSON-RPC error'}, log id: 2437b13c
>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-14 08:53:48,400Z WARN
>>>>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>>>>>>>> (default task-4) [07c1d540-6d8d-419c-affb-181495d75759] EVENT_ID:
>>>>>>>>> power
>>>>>>>>> management status on Host kvm0.lab.local using Proxy Host 
>>>>>>>>> kvm1.lab.local
>>>>>>>>> and Fence Agent fence_xvm: failed.
>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-14 08:53:48,400Z WARN
>>>>>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceAgentExecutor] (default task-4)
>>>>>>>>> [07c1d540-6d8d-419c-affb-181495d75759] Fence action failed using 
>>>>>>>>> proxy host
>>>>>>>>> 'kvm1.lab.local', trying another proxy
>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-14 08:53:48,485Z ERROR 
>>>>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceProxyLocator]
>>>>>>>>> (default task-4) [07c1d540-6d8d-419c-affb-181495d75759] Can not run 
>>>>>>>>> fence
>>>>>>>>> action on host 'kvm0.lab.local', no suitable proxy host was found.
>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-14 08:53:48,486Z WARN
>>>>>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceAgentExecutor] (default task-4)
>>>>>>>>> [07c1d540-6d8d-419c-affb-181495d75759] Failed to find another proxy to
>>>>>>>>> re-run failed fence action, retrying with the same proxy 
>>>>>>>>> 'kvm1.lab.local'
>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-14 08:53:48,582Z WARN
>>>>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>>>>>>>> (default task-4) [07c1d540-6d8d-419c-affb-181495d75759] EVENT_ID:
>>>>>>>>> VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED(9,001), Power Management test failed for 
>>>>>>>>> Host
>>>>>>>>> kvm0.lab.local.Internal JSON-RPC error
>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-14 08:53:48,582Z INFO
>>>>>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] 
>>>>>>>>> (default
>>>>>>>>> task-4) [07c1d540-6d8d-419c-affb-181495d75759] FINISH, 
>>>>>>>>> FenceVdsVDSCommand,
>>>>>>>>> return: FenceOperationResult:{status='ERROR', powerStatus='UNKNOWN',
>>>>>>>>> message='Internal JSON-RPC error'}, log id: 8607bc9
>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-14 08:53:48,637Z WARN
>>>>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
>>>>>>>>> (default task-4) [07c1d540-6d8d-419c-affb-181495d75759] EVENT_ID:
>>>>>>>>> power
>>>>>>>>> management status on Host kvm0.lab.local using Proxy Host 
>>>>>>>>> kvm1.lab.local
>>>>>>>>> and Fence Agent fence_xvm: failed.
>>>>>>>>> Any idea?
>>>>>>>>> Thanx,
>>>>>>>>> Alex
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Martin Perina
>>>>>> Manager, Software Engineering
>>>>>> Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
>>>> --
>>>> Martin Perina
>>>> Manager, Software Engineering
>>>> Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
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