On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 12:17 PM Alexey Nikolaev
<alexeynikolaev.p...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Thx for answer!
> 27.12.2020 12:05, Yedidyah Bar David пишет:
> > On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 8:12 PM Николаев Алексей
> > <alexeynikolaev.p...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> >> Hi community!
> >>
> >> I have issue when trying to restore hosted engine.
> >>
> >> hosted-engine --deploy --restore-from-file=/opt/engine-backup.dump
> >> If I not use --restore-from-file I can not correctly restore my hosted 
> >> engine datacenter and cluster. But another DCs restored fine.
> > If the source engine machine has DWH DB on the engine machine,
> > provisioned automatically by engine-setup, then above should not fail.
> > If it does, it might be a bug. Please check/share relevant logs. Thanks.
> Link for install log
> https://gist.github.com/virtio-technique/bca620fbbca90e7f707f0b3b40575ee2

That's not enough - please check/share all files there. Thanks.

From the log, it seems like dwh db was not included, which probably means
that it was either remote (dwh on a separate machine) or you passed
'--scope=files --scope=db'
when taking the backup. If latter:

1. Where did you find instructions to do this? This should be fixed.

2. Please try again, either without --scope, or with --scope=all, or
'--scope=files --scope=db --scope=dwhdb'.

If it's former (dwh+its db are on a separate machine), then the
documentation is not yet up-to-date - please see also:


> >
> >> [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment setup': Cannot connect to 
> >> DWH database using existing credentials: 
> >> ovirt_engine_history@localhost:5432
> >>
> >> I know that i can fix problem by editing PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf and set 
> >> ACLs to trust.
> >> Is any way to customize hosted engine appliance to replace pg_hba.conf to 
> >> my version?
> >> Is any way to pause deploy proccess and access to hosted engine VM to edit 
> >> PostgreSQL config?
> > Yes, you can place a "enginevm_before_engine_setup" hook, it will be
> > ran before engine-setup.
> Great, but I can't find the example file in my installation
> /usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/ansible/hooks/enginevm_before_engine_setup/enginevm_before_engine_setup.yml.example.
> Is there any documentation to engine setup hooks?

I am only aware of:


The code moved there recently - before that, it was in:


There are a few examples scattered around the net, in this mailing
list, bugzilla, etc. One I wrote myself recently is
"required_networks_fix.yml" mentioned there (and included inside

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