On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 2:45 PM David White via Users <users@ovirt.org>

> Thanks for the response here.
> Unfortunately, things are still not 100% stable after I performed that
> host upgrade.
> It appears to me that 1 of the hosts keeps booting back with the old
> management vlan (VLAN 1) instead of the new vlan (VLAN 10).
> I'm able to (mostly) fiddle around with it and get it back online, but it
> seems like every reboot, vlan 1 comes back, and breaks connectivity with
> the other two hosts.
> I also didn't realize, until late yesterday afternoon, that you could use
> the oVirt Manager web UI to configure each host's network settings.
> This whole time, I've been trying to use nmcli, nmtui, and manually
> editing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ files by hand.
> When I found the network settings inside of the Engine / manager web UI, I
> discovered that, for example, oVirt Engine manager saw that the new vlan
> (VLAN 10) was "unmanaged" by the engine.
> *Question: *Would you recommend that all network settings be modified by
> the oVirt engine instead of the manual process on the OS?

I think so, but that's not my expertise. Adding Eitan.

> *Question: *Is it possible to setup a vlan inside the engine *without* an
> IP address being assigned to each of the physical hosts?
> I was really hoping to setup VLAN 100 with public IP addresses, and use
> layer 2 switching to send that traffic into the oVirt cluster.


> Here is a screenshot overview of what I want my environment to look like,
> logically. You'll note that I was going to put VLAN 20 and VLAN 100 onto
> the same host physical interface.
> This is what I - and I think the oVirt documentation - refers to as the
> front-end traffic.
> VLAN 10 is/was going to be on its own interface going to the 10Gbps switch.
> *Question: *Do you see anything "wrong" with this picture? Are there ways
> I can / should change it to improve?


You might also want to have a look at this
somewhat-outdated-but-still-mostly-relevant document, for RHV, probably
applies 99% to oVirt as well:


> As for the /etc/hosts files, I'm actually doing that.
> However, as I'm typing this, I realized that I never defined the Engine IP
> address in the hosts, nor do I put anything inside the Engine's /etc/hosts
> file.
> *Question: *Perhaps this was part of my problem, when DNS connectivity
> was not working. Thoughts?

Not sure about "general" hosts, but hosted-engine hosts definitely need to
be able to connect to the engine (at least, for making sure it's alive), so
need it to be locally-resolvable. If you plan to run DNS inside a VM, you
definitely want the engine machine's IP in /etc/hosts on all hosted-engine
hosts. And probably have some kind of automation for making sure this is

Good luck,

> Thanks again,
> David
> [image: Screenshot from 2021-04-10 17-21-39.png]
> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com> Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Sunday, April 11, 2021 3:05 AM, Yedidyah Bar David <d...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 1:14 PM David White via Users <users@ovirt.org>
> wrote:
>> This is resolved, and my environment is 100% stable now.
> Glad to hear that, thanks for the report!
>> Or was, until I then used the engine to "upgrade" one of the hosts, at
>> which point I started having problems again after the reboot, because the
>> old vlan came back.
>> I'll finish getting things stabilized today, and hopefully won't run into
>> this again.
>> I've been turning things on and off quite a bit, because they aren't in a
>> proper data center (yet) and are just sitting here in my home office.
>> So I'm sure shutting them down and turning them back on fairly often
>> hasn't helped the situation.
>> I initially had a few issues going on:
>>    1. I of course first broke things when I tried to change the
>>    management vlan
>>    2. Aside from my notes below and the troubleshooting steps I went
>>    through, yesterday, I had forgotten that connectivity to the DNS server
>>    hadn't been restored. Once I got DNS operational, the engine was able to
>>    see two of the hosts, and finally started showing some green.
>>    3. I then went in and ran `hosted-engine --vm-stop` to shutdown the
>>    engine, and then I started it again... and viola. The last remaining
>>    problematic host came online, and a few minutes later, the disks, volumes,
>>    and datacenter came online.
>>    4. I think part of my problem has been this switch. I purchased a
>>    Netgear GS324T for my frontend traffic. But I've also needed to put my
>>    backend traffic onto some temporary ports on that switch until I can get a
>>    VM controller setup that will run my other switch, a Ubiquiti US-XG-16 for
>>    my permanent backend traffic. The Netgear hasn't been nearly as simple to
>>    configure as I had hoped. The vlan behavior has also been inconsistent -
>>    sometimes I have vlan settings in place, and things work. Sometimes they
>>    don't work. It has also been re-assigning a of the vlans occasionally 
>> after
>>    reboots, which has been frustrating. I'm close to being completely done
>>    configuring the infrastructure, but I'm also getting increasingly tempted
>>    to go find a different switch.
>> Lessons learned:
>>    1. Always make sure DNS is functional
>>    1. I was really hoping that I could run DNS as a VM (or multiple VMs)
>>       *inside* the cluster.
>>       2. That said, if the cluster and the engine won't even start
>>       correctly without, then I may need to run DNS externally. I'm open to
>>       feedback on this.
>>       1. I have 1 extra U of space at the datacenter reserved, and I do
>>          have a 4th spare server that I haven't decided what to do with yet. 
>> It has
>>          way more CPU and RAM than would be necessary to run an internal DNS
>>          server... but perhaps I have no choice. *Thoughts*?
> You can also have the IP addresses of the engine and hosts in /etc/hosts
> of all machines (engine and hosts) - then things should work fine. It does
> mean you'll have to manually maintain these hosts files somehow.
>>    1.
>>          1. Make sure your vlan settings are correct *before* you start
>>    deploying the hosted engine and configure oVirt.
> Definitely. As well as making sure that IP addresses (and netmasks,
> routes, etc.) are as intended and working, name resolution is correct (DNS
> or /etc/hosts), etc. .
>>    1.
>>    2. If possible, don't turn off and turn on your servers constantly.
>>    :) I realize this is a given. I just don't have much choice in the matter
>>    right now, due to lack of datacenter in my home office.
> While definitely not recommended, in principle this should be harmless. If
> you find concrete reproducible bugs around this, please report them (with
> clear accurate details - just "I turn off and on my hosts and things stop
> working" is not helpful, obviously...).
> Thanks again and best regards,
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