On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 3:50 PM Gianluca Cecchi
<gianluca.cec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 7:15 PM Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> >> > 1) Is this the expected behavior?
>> >>
>> >> yes, before removing multipath devices, you need to unzone LUN on storage
>> >> server. As oVirt doesn't manage storage server in case of iSCSI, it has 
>> >> to be
>> >> done by storage sever admin and therefore oVirt cannot manage whole flow.
>> >>
>> > Thank you for the information. Perhaps you can expand then on how the 
>> > volumes are picked up once mapped from the Storage system?  Traditionally 
>> > when mapping storage from an iSCSI or Fibre Channel storage we have to 
>> > initiate a LIP or iSCSI login. How is it that oVirt doesn't need to do 
>> > this?
>> >
>> >> > 2) Are we supposed to go to each KVM host and manually remove the
>> >> > underlying multipath devices?
>> >>
>> >> oVirt provides ansible script for it:
>> >>
>> >> https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-ansible-collection/blob/master/examples/
>> >> remove_mpath_device.yml
>> >>
>> >> Usage is as follows:
>> >>
>> >> ansible-playbook --extra-vars "lun=<LUN_ID>" remove_mpath_device.yml
>> >
> I had to decommission one iSCSI based storage domain, after having added one 
> new iSCSI one (with another portal) and moved all the objects into the new 
> one (vm disks, template disks, iso disks, leases).
> The Environment is based on 4.4.6, with 3 hosts, external engine.
> So I tried the ansible playbook way to verify it.
> Initial situation is this below; the storage domain to decommission is the 
> ovsd3750, based on the 5Tb LUN.
> $ sudo multipath -l
> 364817197c52f98316900666e8c2b0b2b dm-13 EQLOGIC,100E-00
> size=2.0T features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
> `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active
>   |- 16:0:0:0 sde 8:64 active undef running
>   `- 17:0:0:0 sdf 8:80 active undef running
> 36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328 dm-2 EQLOGIC,100E-00
> size=5.0T features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
> `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active
>   |- 13:0:0:0 sdb 8:16 active undef running
>   `- 14:0:0:0 sdc 8:32 active undef running
> Connections are using iSCSI multipathing (iscsi1 and iscs2 in web admin gui), 
> so that I have two paths to each LUN:
> $sudo  iscsiadm -m node
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:4-771816-31982fc59-2b0b2b8c6e660069-ovsd3920
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:4-771816-31982fc59-2b0b2b8c6e660069-ovsd3920
> $ sudo iscsiadm -m session
> tcp: [1],1 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750 
> (non-flash)
> tcp: [2],1 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750 
> (non-flash)
> tcp: [4],1 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:4-771816-31982fc59-2b0b2b8c6e660069-ovsd3920 
> (non-flash)
> tcp: [5],1 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:4-771816-31982fc59-2b0b2b8c6e660069-ovsd3920 
> (non-flash)
> One point not taken in consideration inside the previously opened bugs in my 
> opinion is the deletion of iSCSI connections and node at host side (probably 
> to be done by the os admin, but it could be taken in charge by the ansible 
> playbook...)
> The bugs I'm referring are:
> Bug 1310330 - [RFE] Provide a way to remove stale LUNs from hypervisors
> Bug 1928041 - Stale DM links after block SD removal
> Actions done:
> put storage domain into maintenance
> detach storage domain
> remove storage domain
> remove access from equallogic admin gui
> I have a group named ovirt in ansible inventory composed by my 3 hosts: 
> ov200, ov300 and ov301
> executed
> $ ansible-playbook -b -l ovirt --extra-vars 
> "lun=36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328" remove_mpath_device.yml
> it went all ok with ov200 and ov300, but for ov301 I got
> fatal: [ov301: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "multipath -f 
> \"36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328\"", "delta": "0:00:00.009003", "end": 
> "2021-07-15 11:17:37.340584", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, 
> "start": "2021-07-15 11:17:37.331581", "stderr": "Jul 15 11:17:37 | 
> 36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328: map in use", "stderr_lines": ["Jul 15 
> 11:17:37 | 36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328: map in use"], "stdout": "", 
> "stdout_lines": []}
> the complete output:
> $ ansible-playbook -b -l ovirt --extra-vars 
> "lun=36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328" remove_mpath_device.yml
> PLAY [Cleanly remove unzoned storage devices (LUNs)] 
> *************************************************************
> TASK [Gathering Facts] 
> *******************************************************************************************
> ok: [ov200]
> ok: [ov300]
> ok: [ov301]
> TASK [Get underlying disks (paths) for a multipath device and turn them into 
> a list.] ****************************
> changed: [ov300]
> changed: [ov200]
> changed: [ov301]
> TASK [Remove from multipath device.] 
> *****************************************************************************
> changed: [ov200]
> changed: [ov300]
> fatal: [ov301]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "multipath -f 
> \"36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328\"", "delta": "0:00:00.009003", "end": 
> "2021-07-15 11:17:37.340584", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, 
> "start": "2021-07-15 11:17:37.331581", "stderr": "Jul 15 11:17:37 | 
> 36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328: map in use", "stderr_lines": ["Jul 15 
> 11:17:37 | 36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328: map in use"], "stdout": "", 
> "stdout_lines": []}
> TASK [Remove each path from the SCSI subsystem.] 
> *****************************************************************
> changed: [ov300] => (item=sdc)
> changed: [ov300] => (item=sdb)
> changed: [ov200] => (item=sdc)
> changed: [ov200] => (item=sdb)
> *******************************************************************************************************
> ov200 : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
> rescued=0    ignored=0
> ov300 : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
> rescued=0    ignored=0
> ov301 : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=0    
> rescued=0    ignored=0
> Indeed going to the server I get:
> root@ov301 ~]# multipath -f 36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328
> Jul 15 11:24:37 | 36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328: map in use
> [root@ov301 ~]#
> the dm device under the multipath one is dm-2 and
> [root@ov301 ~]# ll /dev/dm-2
> brw-rw----. 1 root disk 253, 2 Jul 15 11:28 /dev/dm-2
> [root@ov301 ~]#
> [root@ov301 ~]# lsof | grep "253,2"
> I get no lines, but other devices with minor beginning with 2 (eg. 24, 25, 
> 27..)
> . . .
> qemu-kvm    10638   10653 vnc_worke            qemu   84u      BLK            
>  253,24       0t0  112027277 /dev/dm-24
> qemu-kvm    11479                              qemu   43u      BLK            
>  253,27       0t0  112135384 /dev/dm-27
> qemu-kvm    11479                              qemu  110u      BLK            
>  253,25       0t0  112140523 /dev/dm-25
> so nothing for dm-2
> What to do to crosscheck what is using the device and so preventing the "-f" 
> to complete?
> Now I get
> # multipath -l
> 364817197c52f98316900666e8c2b0b2b dm-14 EQLOGIC,100E-00
> size=2.0T features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
> `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active
>   |- 16:0:0:0 sde 8:64 active undef running
>   `- 17:0:0:0 sdf 8:80 active undef running
> 36090a0d800851c9d2195d5b837c9e328 dm-2 ##,##
> size=5.0T features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
> Another thing to improve perhaps in the ansible playbook is that usually when 
> in general I remove FC or iSCSI LUNs under multipath on a Linux system, after 
> the "multipath -f" command and before the "echo 1 > ... /device/delete" one I 
> run also, for safeness:
> blockdev --flushbufs /dev/$i
> where $i loops over the devices composing the multipath.
> I see that inside the web admin Gui under Datacenter--> iSCSI multipath
> iscsi1
> iscsi2
> there is no more the connection to the removed SD.
> But at the host side nothing changed from the iSCSI point of view.
> So I executed:
> log out from the sessions:
> [root@ov300 ~]# iscsiadm -m session -r 1 -u
> Logging out of session [sid: 1, target: 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750, 
> portal:,3260]
> Logout of [sid: 1, target: 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750, 
> portal:,3260] successful.
> [root@ov300 ~]# iscsiadm -m session -r 2 -u
> Logging out of session [sid: 2, target: 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750, 
> portal:,3260]
> Logout of [sid: 2, target: 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750, 
> portal:,3260] successful.
> [root@ov300 ~]#
> and then removal of the node
> [root@ov300 ~]# iscsiadm -m node -T 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750 -o 
> delete
> [root@ov300 ~]# ll /var/lib/iscsi/nodes/
> total 4
> drw-------. 3 root root 4096 Jul 13 11:18 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:4-771816-31982fc59-2b0b2b8c6e660069-ovsd3920
> [root@ov300 ~]#
> while previously I had:
> [root@ov300 ~]# ll /var/lib/iscsi/nodes/
> total 8
> drw-------. 3 root root 4096 Jan 12  2021 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-9d1c8500d-28e3c937b8d59521-ovsd3750
> drw-------. 3 root root 4096 Jul 13 11:18 
> iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:4-771816-31982fc59-2b0b2b8c6e660069-ovsd3920
> [root@ov301 ~]#
> Otherwise I think that at reboot the host will try to reconnect to the no 
> more existing portal...
> Comments welcome

@Vojtech Juranek can you look at this?
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