Please try the instructions below and update whether it helped.

Thank you!


On Sun, 5 Sept 2021 at 18:41, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 1:08 AM Gianluca Cecchi
> <gianluca.cec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> >>> ovirt_imageio._internal.nbd.ReplyError: Writing to file failed: [Error
> 28] No space left on device
> >> This error is expected if you don't have space to write the data.
> > ok.
> I forgot to mention that running backup on engine host is not recommended.
> It is better to run the backup on the hypervisor, speeding up the data
> copy.
> You can mount the backup directory on the hypervisor (e.g. nfs) and
> use --backup-dir
> to store the backup where it should be.
> >>> Now if I try the same backup command (so with "full" option) and I get
> >>>
> >>> ovirtsdk4.Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is
> "[Cannot backup VM. The VM is during a backup operation.]". HTTP response
> code is 409.
> >> This looks like a bug in the backup script - the backup should be
> finalized
> >> even if the image transfer failed, but the error you get say the vm is
> still
> >> in backup mode.
> >>
> >>> How can I clean the situation?
> >>
> >> 1. Stop the current backup
> >>
> >> If you still have the output from the command, we log the backup UUID.
> >>
> >> If you lost the backup id, you can get it using the API - visit this
> address in your browser:
> >>
> >>     https://myengine/ovirt-engine/api/vms/{vm-id}/backups/
> >>
> >> Then stop the current backup using:
> >>
> >>     /usr/share/doc/python3-ovirt-engine-sdk4/examples/backup_vm.py stop
> vm-id backup-id
> >>
> >> If stopping the backup failed, stopping the VM will stop the backup.
> >> I hope you are running recent enough version, since in early versions
> there
> >> was a bug when you cannot stop the vm during a backup.
> >
> > It is the latest 4.4.7. I run the backup_vm.py script from the engine:
> >
> > ovirt-engine-
> > ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-imageio-
> > ovirt-imageio-common-2.2.0-1.el8.x86_64
> > ovirt-imageio-client-2.2.0-1.el8.x86_64
> > ovirt-imageio-daemon-2.2.0-1.el8.x86_64
> > python3-ovirt-engine-sdk4-4.4.13-1.el8.x86_64
> Looks good.
> > But if I try the stop command I get the error
> >
> > [g.cecchi@ovmgr1 ~]$ python3
> /usr/share/doc/python3-ovirt-engine-sdk4/examples/backup_vm.py -c ovmgr1
> stop dc386237-1e98-40c8-9d3d-45658163d1e2
> 68f83141-9d03-4cb0-84d4-e71fdd8753bb
> > [   0.0 ] Finalizing backup '68f83141-9d03-4cb0-84d4-e71fdd8753bb'
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> ...
> > ovirtsdk4.Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is
> "[Cannot stop VM backup. The VM backup is not in READY phase, backup phase
> is FINALIZING. Please try again when the backup is in READY phase.]". HTTP
> response code is 409.
> So your backup was already finalized, and it is stuck in "finalizing"
> phase.
> Usually this means the backup on libvirt side was already stopped, but
> engine
> failed to detect this and failed to complete the finalize step
> (ovirt-engine bug).
> You need to ensure if the backup was stopped on vdsm side.
> - If the vm was stopped, the bacukp is not running
> - If the vm is running, we can make sure the backup is stopped using
>     vdsm-client VM stop_backup
> vmID=dc386237-1e98-40c8-9d3d-45658163d1e2
> backup_id=68f83141-9d03-4cb0-84d4-e71fdd8753bb
> If this succeeds, the backup is not running on vdsm side.
> If this fails, you may need stop the VM to end the backup.
> If the backup was stopped, you may need to delete the scratch disks
> used in this backup.
> You can find the scratch disks ids in engine logs, and delete them
> from engine UI.
> Finally, after you cleaned up vdsm side, you can delete the backup
> from engine database,
> and unlock the disks.
> Pavel, can you provide instructions on how to clean up engine db after
> stuck backup?

Can you please try manually updating the 'phase" of the problematic backup
entry in the "vm_backups" DB table to 1 of the final phases, which are
either "Succeeded" or "Failed"?
This should allow creating a new backup.
[image: image.png]

> After vdsm and engine were cleaned, new backup should work normally.
> >> 2. File a bug about this
> > Filed this one, hope its is correct; I chose ovirt-imageio as the
> product and Client as the component:
> In general backup bugs should be filed for ovirt-engine. ovirt-imageio
> is rarely the
> cause for a bug. We will move the bug to ovirt-imageio if needed.
> > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2001136
> Thanks!
> Nir
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